706英语沙龙第九期| 05.25 周日晚7点 世界青年汇,英语时刻 如何让教育变得更好?
活动时间:5月 25日(周日)晚7点整
地点:五道口华清嘉园15号楼2006 ,706青年空间
你是否也像我一样一直在宇宙中心寻找一间温暖的小屋,在那里大家可以暂时抛开一切,席地而坐,找到一群像自己一样,愿意用英文谈天说地的小伙伴?无论你是英文口语和思维的狂热达人爱好者,还是一直渴望提高自己说起来不太自信又蹩脚英文的学生,或是你正在为找不到托福雅思口语练习的小伙伴而焦头烂额。不管你来自哪个城市,哪个学校,哪个国家,哪个星球,只要你热爱英语,渴望提高自己的英文水平,又想来勾搭各路国内国外英语一级棒的帅哥美女达人,这个由麻省理工毕业生颜晓川,多伦多大学在读生翟斯亮Melody强强联手打造的<世界青年汇,英语时刻> <Cross Continental Connection, English Time> 就是为你量身定做的!!!没错,别装作四处看风景,就是你!!! 至于说我们现场的气氛有多High,观众帅哥美女有多多,主持人的英文有多棒多有感染力,沙龙的内容有多有料,多么智慧睿智与幽默并存,讨论多么热火朝天,你的英文感觉提高的有多快,那真的是谁来谁知道哦,不信你可以去问前几期来过的小伙伴们。
每期的英语沙龙都会有一个有趣的主题作为主线,5月25日周日晚上第九期英语沙龙我们很开心同China Green Student Forum(GSF) 一起合作,并很开心邀请到了来自巴西的帅哥Narayan与我们共同度过周日愉悦的一晚。Narayan在巴西长大,过去的十年里,他曾游走十国学习、生活和工作,在周日他不单单会跟我们分享他有趣而丰富的学习生活经历,还会向我们介绍他在创新、变革教育, 以及教育可持续发展方面的研究(A Strategic and Transformative Approach to Education for Sustainable Development) 希望大家可以准时到场这样不会遗漏精彩的内容,See you guys on Sunday 7pm sharp!
China Green Student Forum(GSF)
China Green Students Forum(GSF) established in 1996 in Beijing is an environmental organization focus on youth environment activities in China. For more than 13 years it has served as a student environmental organization for the entire country, bringing together government, companies, NGOs and youth organizations engaged in environmental protection from different areas of China and working towards building capacity for student green groups and young leader in this area.
1) Introduction: Melody Zhai introduces the salon and herself
2) Ice Breakers: Everyone introduces yourself in English
3) Guest Speaker: Wonderful content and research by
4) Topic interactive Discussion and Q&A
5) Party
Guest Speaker 特别嘉宾介绍:
Narayan Silva (Brazil)
grew up in Brazil, but spend most of the last decade living, studying and working in 10 different countries. He is passionate about helping people and organi |
ations to develop while realizing their full potential for making positive change in the world. He has a BA in Design in Brazil and a MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability in Sweden. |
is the co-founder of a social enterprise for foreigners' integration that is now present in 5 Brazilian cities and has dedicated a great part of his time working with many social and environmental projects. His adventures around the world include teaching meditation in slums and prisons in Brazil, co-hosting the 1st TEDx event of Rio, supporting grannies in abandoned nursing homes in Russia, helping to build a temple in India, living in organic farms in Austria, consulting with the "greenest city of Europe" in Sweden, working at an incubator for social entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, among many others. He is now living in Beijing to host meaningful conversations with different people and organisations while learning about the local culture and language. | | | Salon 主持人介绍:
翟斯亮Melody,大一学生。在北京长大,16岁前往加拿大多伦多高中名校Earl Haig Secondary School读高中,之后考入University of Toronto 读 International Business. 现在在国内志愿者+实习半年。Melody爱好广而精,个性率真活泼,有激情和毅力。喜欢所有跟音乐、艺术、传媒、公益、创新、极限运动、跑步、摄影等等有关的一切。Melody从在国外的高中开始就有很丰富的各类学校和校外社团活动经历。范围涉及艺术、摄影、小提琴/大提琴、曲棍球、Cross Country、主持人、模联、各类志愿者、创业等等。 英文口语是Melody的强项,曾经雅思考试口语接近满分,她更有自己的一套学习英文特别是口语交流的方法,如果你有这方面的疑问欢迎来问她。口语和个性的优势也从开始就帮她打开了获得更多机会、很多结交更多各路朋友的窗口。Melody本人也是极易勾搭的,只要你有一颗真诚和愿意学习的心,她可以和你成为很好的朋友哈哈。不多说了,我们到时候见吧。
往期沙龙图片: Photo Courtesy to 老乡