Hold Fast to Your Dreams
Chris Gardner ( Will Smith 饰演)是一个普通的医疗器械推销员,当初签下这份销售工作时,他花光了所有的积蓄买下足足堆满一面墙的 骨密度测定仪 ,但他坚信这个 revolutionary machine 一定会卖得很好,一定能让他和妻子和儿子过上幸福的生活。
可是,现实却不遂人愿,任凭勤奋卖力的 Christ 如何努力地跑医院,可这个 测定仪 一直被很多医院认为是个 unnecessary luxury 。于是,生活在奔波中开始变得摇摆不定起来。妻子不得不在工厂里每天上 double shift 来填补家用。他们五岁的儿子 Christopher 只能每天被寄放在收费低廉的日托所里,等着妈妈在日班和晚班之间来接他回去。
就是这样一个看起来很失败的男人,他拥有正直、坚韧的品格,却总没办法让家里过上好日子,每天拎着四十磅重的 骨密度测定仪 在城市里穿梭,被一个疯疯癫癫的老头固执地认为拥有一台时光机器, Christ 也偶尔自嘲一下:
Chris Gardner : It is not a time machine[1]. It's a portable[2] bone-density scanner[3]. A medical device I sell for a living. It gave a slightly denser[4] picture than an x-ray[5] for twice the money. I needed to sell at least two scanners a month for rent[6] and daycare[7]. I'd have to sell one more to pay off all of those tickets[8] under my windshield wiper[9]. The problem is…I haven't sold any for a while.
1) Time machine: 时光机器
2) Portable: 可携带的
3) Bone-density scanner: 骨密度测定仪
4) Dense: 致密的
5) X ray: x 光照射
6) R ent: 房租
7) Daycare: 日托所
8) Ticket: 交通违规的传票,这里指违章停车的罚单
9) Windshield wiper: 挡风玻璃上的雨刷
于是有那么一天, Christ 背着仪器去拜访客户,路过金融区的一座办公大楼,一个和他同龄的男人开着一部非常拉风的红色跑车停到楼前,不假思索地把卡插进停车计费器,准备进楼上班。 Christ 羡慕地问他:
Chris Gardner : Man, I got two questions for you: What do you do? And how do you do it?
Man : I'm a stockbroker[10].
Chris Gardner : Stockbroker. Oh, goodness. Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh?
Man : You don't have to. Have to be good with numbers and good with people. That's it.
Chris Gardner (monologue) : I still remember that moment. They all looked so damn happy to me. Why couldn't I look like that?
10) Stockbroker: 证券经纪人
就是那么一个平常的早晨,却让 Chris 的心起了波澜。尽管肩上扛着重重的压力,但他不甘心这样庸碌一生。亲眼目睹那些出入金融区的人们过着充实光鲜的生活,听到这位经纪人讲做证券经纪人并非得上过大学,但要对数字敏感、会和人打交道,仅高中毕业的 Chris 动心了。可是面对那么多资历优秀的竞聘者, Chris 怎么才能得到这份 dream job 呢?于是,一段执着的求职路开始了。
Chris 想申请的 Dean Witter 是世界一流的证券公司。申请表上 “ 教育程度 ” 这栏, “ 高中 ” 后面还有三个空行, Chris 自知自己的简历和别人放到一起,一定没有机会。于是,他来到公司门口等人力主管 Twistle 先生,想亲自把申请表交给他,并通过当面的交流说服 Twistle 先生,教育程度不比别人的他 “ 对数字敏感,并且会和人打交道 ” :
Chris Gardner : Morning, Mr. Twistle.
Jay Twistle : Good morning.
Chris Gardner : Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner. I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance[11]. I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss what may seem like weaknesses on my application.
Jay Twistle : We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit down.
Chris Gardner : Yes, sir. You have a great day.
Jay Twistle : You too.
11) make sb. acquaintance: 结识某人
Twistle 没有接受 Chris 的请求,告诉 Chris 如果觉得他合适,会打电话让他过来面谈, Chris 只好先作罢了。可是一个月过去了,没有任何来自 Dean Witter 的消息。不甘心就这样放弃的 Chris 决定再争取和 Twistle 谈一谈。长时间在大楼门前的等待,终于盼到了 Twistle 先生的出现。 Chris 费尽心思和他拼车,在车上从自己有限的经历里挖掘出公司看重的某些品质,却发现 Twistle 先生根本不在听,而是把玩着当时风靡美国的智力玩具 —— 魔方。当时,能要把六面都转成同一颜色的人极少,最快的纪录是一位美国的数学教授用了 30 分钟。 Chris 之前在家里把玩过人家送给他儿子的魔方,此时的他灵机一动,何不把 Twistle 先生的魔方解出来,证明自己是个聪明的家伙呢:
Chris Gardner : Hi. Chris Gardner.
Jay Twistle : Yeah, hi. What can I do for you?
Chris Gardner : I submitted an application for the intern program about a month ago...and I would just love to sit with you briefly—
Jay Twistle : Listen, I'm going to NoeValley, Chris. Take care of yourself.
Chris Gardner : Mr. Twistle. Actually, I'm on my way to NoeValley also. How about we share a ride[12]?
Jay Twistle : All right, get in.
Chris Gardner : So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor who loved to play golf, hours every day…and I would actually perform medical procedures when he'd leave me in the office. So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and...( 发现 Twistle 先生没在听 )…Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important--
Jay Twistle : I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible. ( 手里的魔方 Twistle 怎么玩都玩不出来 )
Chris Gardner : I can do it.
Jay Twistle : No, you can't. No one can.
Chris Gardner : No, I'm pretty sure I can do it.
Jay Twistle : No, you can't.
Chris Gardner : Let me see it. Give it here. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up[13].
Jay Twistle : Sorry.
Chris Gardner : It looks like it works around a swivel[14], so the center pieces never move. So if it's yellow in the center, that's the yellow side. If it's red in the center, that's the red side. Okay. So you can slow down. (让司机开慢一点,留多一点时间)
Jay Twistle : Listen, we can drive around all day. I don't believe you can do this.
Chris Gardner : Yeah, I can.
Jay Twistle : No, you can't.
Chris Gardner : Yes, I can.
Jay Twistle : No, you can't. I'm telling you, no one can…You almost have this side…(Christ 转出了一面 )…You almost had that one. ( 又转出了一面 )
Chris Gardner : I'm gonna get it.
Jay Twistle : Look at that. You're almost there.
Chris Gardner : This is me. (终于全部解出来了)
Jay Twistle : Good job. Goodbye.
Chris Gardner : Yeah. I'll see you soon.
12) share a ride: 拼车
13) mess up: 弄乱了
14) Swivel: 旋转体
在 Twistle 先生一遍遍的 “No, you can’t.” 中, Chris 一遍遍地告诉他 “Yes, I can.” 虽然告别时,这个工作看似并没有发生什么转机,但 Twistle 先生却记住了这样一个坚定、聪慧但并没有上过大学的年轻人。但就在这段时间里, Chris 的生活却在泥沼里越陷越深了。
妻子终究不能忍受穷困艰辛的生活和养家糊口的压力离开了 Chris ;房东一遍遍地催讨房租并勒令他搬走;该死的测定仪一台也卖不出来 … 沉重的打击一个接着一个。
此时, Christ 接到了 Twistle 先生的电话,给了他 Dean Witter 为期 6 个月的实习生项目的面试机会。就在面试的前一天,就在 Chris 为了多拖欠几天房租免费为房东粉刷墙壁的时候,他因为拖欠停车罚单过久被警察局拘留了。
早晨 9 点才得以释放的 Chris 来不及换洗就一路狂奔到了面试地点,坐在一群西装革履的应征者里面,满身都是粉刷污渍的他有点局促不安。面对公司的高层,让我们看看这个无论是简历还是第一印象都在劣势的 Chris ,如何在短短几分钟的面试里让把他们觉得 He is a piece of work (他是个人才)。
Chris Gardner : I've been sitting there for the last half-hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this. And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities that I'm sure you all admire here, like earnestness[15] or diligence, team-playing[16], something. And I couldn't think of anything. So the truth is... I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets. And I ran all the way here from the police station.
Martin Frohm: What were you doing before you were arrested?
Chris Gardner : I was painting my apartment.
Martin Frohm: Is it dry now?
Chris Gardner : I hope so.
Martin Frohm : Jay says you're pretty determined.
Jay Twistle : He's been waiting outside the front of the building...with some 40-pound gizmo[17] for over a month.
Martin Frohm : He said you're smart.
Chris Gardner : Well, I like to think so.
Martin Frohm : And you want to learn this business?
Chris Gardner : Yes, sir, I wanna learn.
Martin Frohm : Have you already started learning on your own?
Chris Gardner : Absolutely.
Martin Frohm : Jay? How many times have you seen Chris?
Jay Twistle : I don't know. One too many, apparently.
Chris Gardner : Was he ever dressed like this?
Jay Twistle : No. Jacket and tie.
Martin Frohm : First in your class in school? High school?
Chris Gardner : Yes, sir.
Martin Frohm : How many in the class?
Chris Gardner : Twelve. It was a small town. I'll say. But I was also first in my radar class in the Navy, and that was a class of 20…Can I say something? I'm the type of person...if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer...I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer. Is that fair enough?
Martin Frohm : Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on...and I hired him? What would you say?
Chris Gardner : He must've had on some really nice pants.
15) Earnestness: 认真
16) T eam-playing: 团队合作
17) Gizmo: 新玩意儿
勤奋踏实、拥有领导力和团队精神、学习成绩优异,也许是所有顶级公司看重的素质,但是一个人的执着和坚定、正直和诚实,面对压力能保持沉着和冷静,这些看起来稀松平常的品质却更能赢得 Dean Witter 的合伙人 Frohm 先生的青睐。当然,也少不了 Twistle 先生的一臂之力。事实上,也正是这两位伯乐的信赖才改写了 Chris 的人生。 Chris 就这样成为了世界顶级证券公司为期半年的实习生。
可是这个竞争激烈的实习项目没有任何工资,甚至没有职位的承诺 ——20 个实习生经过半年的考察,最后只能留下一人:
Chris Gardner : There was no salary. Not even a reasonable promise of a job. One intern was hired at the end of the program from a pool of 20. And if you weren't that guy, you couldn't even apply the six months' training to another brokerage[18]. The only resource I would have for six months would be my six scanners, which I could still try to sell. If I sold them all, maybe we might get by[19].
18) Brokerage: 证券公司
19) get by: 勉强维持生活
就在所有人都觉得生活该有转机的时候,更糟的事情才刚刚开始。 Chris 由于拖欠税款过久,国家税务局在某一天没有任何提醒就从他的账户把欠下的税款全部扣走了;没钱付公寓的租金 Chris 只好带着儿子搬到汽车旅馆;没钱付汽车旅馆的房费他们又只好流落到教会收容所。生活一步步地急转直下,但 Chris 明白,这是他最后的机会,是通往幸福生活的唯一路途。于是,夜晚为了生存带着儿子颠沛流离的他,白天还是打起十二分的精神在这家声名显赫的证券公司里为了 1/20 的机会拼命努力着:
Chris Gardner : Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired. We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients. From the bottom to the top, from the doorman to the CEO. They'd stay till 7, but I had Christopher. I had to do in six hours what they do in nine. In order not to waste any time, I wasn't hanging up the phone in between calls. I realized that by not hanging up the phone, I gained another eight minutes a day. I wasn't drinking water, so I didn't waste any time in the bathroom. But even doing all this, after two months, I still didn't have time to work my way up a sheet.
就是这样半年的双重生活 —— 白天的 Chris 在公司里充分利用时间工作,为了实现自己的梦想,也为了早点下班带着儿子去排队住收容所;黑夜里,他则完全地放下自己的梦想去面对窘迫的生活所带来的各种问题。为了生存,他还必须将手头仅有的医疗仪器修理好并且推销出去,换来一些生活的经济来源。
那段日子里, Chris 虽然不能给儿子丰富的 物质生活,但他给了儿子对于梦想的勇气和信念,即使是在自己离成功还很远的时候。这样一个场景,相信看过这部电影的人都会记忆深刻。“有梦想就要保护它、追寻它”,惨淡的人生从未摧毁过他们的信念,也让这份父子情愈发深厚。
Christopher: Hey, Dad. I'm going pro [20] .
Chris Gardner: You'll probably be about as good as I was. That's kind of the way it works, you know. I was below average. You know, so you'll probably ultimately rank somewhere around there, you know, so...you'll excel [21] at a lot of things, just not this. I don't want you shooting [22] this ball all day and night. All right?
Christopher: All right.
Chris Gardner: All right, go ahead…Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher: - All right.
Chris Gardner : You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period[23].
20) Pro: 职业运动员
21) Excel: 超过他人
22) Shoot: 投篮
23) Period: 句号
生活的穷困让人沮丧无比,但为了儿子,也为了自己的信仰, Chris 咬紧牙关地坚持着他对于幸福生活的追寻,一点一点地寻找着命运的出口。
在 20 个实习生里面, Chris 也许是履历最弱的一个,也是半年里生活最艰辛的一个,但就是这样的他,成为了那个 1/20 。面对 Frohm 先生愉快的邀请, Chris 的眼眶红了。那个幸福的瞬间,浸透了多少难以承受艰辛和男人从不轻易流出的泪水啊。
Martin Frohm : Chris, sit down, please.
Chris Gardner : I thought I'd wear a shirt today. You know, being the last day and all.
Martin Frohm : Well, thank you. Thank you. We appreciate that. But wear one tomorrow though, okay? Because tomorrow's going to be your first day, if you'd like to work here as a broker. Would you like that, Chris?
Chris Gardner : Yes, sir.
Martin Frohm : Good. We couldn't be happier. So welcome. Was it as easy as it looked?
Chris Gardner : No, sir. No, sir, it wasn't.
Martin Frohm : Good luck, Chris.
Chris Gardner : Thank you. Thank you.
Chris Gardner (monologue) : This part of my life... his little part...is called "Happiness."
Btw :电影片名中的 “happiness” 是故意拼错的(应该是 happiness ),它与片中的一场戏相呼应: Chris 一再告诉朱太太,日托所外墙上刷上的 “happyness” 拼错了。但三番五次提醒后,对方还是一副爱理不理的态度, Chris 也只好作罢。
Christopher : It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson[24]...the Declaration of Independence[25]... and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking: How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it...no matter what. How did he know that?
24)Thomas Jefferson: 美国第三任总统
25)Declaration of Independence: 独立宣言
写道这里,想到曾经看过的一句话: happiness is a voyage, not a destination 。
You have a dream, you got to protect it. Period. |