(2007年8月27日,荷兰 阿姆斯特丹)
GRI(全球报告倡议组织)的“最受读者欢迎报告奖”正是为回答上述问题而设,它为世界各地的报告读者们提供了一个发出自己声音的机会。经过GRI及其他合作伙伴(他们都是这一领域的领军人物)的精心准备,第一次全球范围的可持续发展报告网上评选活动于2007年10 月1日正式推出。
GRI率先推出“最受读者欢迎报告奖”评选的创意,以此触摸广大读者的阅读偏好,同时也为那些潜在的读者群了解到企业可持续发展信息为他们带来的价值。Mervyn E.King,GRI董事会主席指出:“这一评选活动将让大家认识到,企业可持续发展报告作为传统企业年报的补充,提供了股东及其他利益相关方对可持续发展的洞察。这已成为我们这一时代最炙手可热的议题。”GRI董事会于今年5月份的董事会议上批准了这一行动。
Alyson Slater
Telephone: +31 (0)20 531 0000
Note by translator: As a network partner for this GRI Readers' Choice Awards, SynTao provides translation of this news release to Chinese readers. Should discrepancy exists between the English version and the Chinese version,theEnglish versionapplies.
1. About GRI
The Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) vision is that reporting on economic, environmental, and social performance by all organizations becomes as routine and comparable as financial reporting. GRI accomplishes this vision by developing, continually improving, and building capacity around the use of its Sustainability Reporting Framework. An international network of thousands from business, civil society, labor, and professional institutions create the content of the Reporting Framework in a consensus-seeking process. The GRI’s Reporting Framework is largely seen as the global de facto standard in sustainability reporting.
2. About the GRI Readers’ Choice Awards
The Awards have been made possible by partnerships with KPMG, ACCA, TCS, SustainAbility, and sponsored by Rabobank and Acciona. The Award is overseen by a committee composed of the following prominent experts: Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel (GRI Board Member), Judy Kuszewski (SustainAbility), Roger Adams (ACCA), Herman Mulder (Senior Advisor to the United Nations Global Compact), Aditi Haldar (Confederation of Indian Industry), Giuseppe van der Helm (Netherlands Organization of Sustainable Investors), Cornis van der Lugt (UNEP), and Mario Manzoni (Center of Sustainability Studies, Brazil). Everyone is invited to select the sustainability reports of interest to them and score them using five simple criteria. The scoring period is open from 1 October 2007 until 31 December 2007. The Awards and an accompanying survey report will be issued at the May 2008 Conference.
3. About the Conference
The second Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency will take place from 7-9 May 2008 and will host innovative and pro-actively moderated debates on strategy questions that will shape the future of sustainability reporting. The conference features the publication of cutting-edge research regarding sustainability report usage and the presentation of the GRI Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Sustainability Reporting.