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Talks with US to focus on energy collaboration









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发表于 2007-12-12 14:42:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China will present a long list of energy cooperation priorities to the US delegation at the third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, a cabinet minister said yesterday.

Minister of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Ma Kai said China needs "comprehensive cooperation" with the US in every aspect of energy, including electricity, coal, petroleum and gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

"We have prepared a China-US energy cooperation guidebook," said Ma. Chinese Vice-Premier Wu Yi and US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will lead the meetings with their respective delegations.

US Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez will also attend the talks.

Ma said the USA's "mature experience" in improving coal-burning efficiency, renewable energy research and technological transfers will become new "growth points" for China-US economic ties.

"The two sides should intensify their energy efficiency cooperation and increase their efforts in clean energy exploration," said Ma.

Chief economist of New York-based Environmental Defense Daniel Dudek said China and the US have the common problem of controlling emissions from fossil fuel combustion, especially greenhouse gases. And so sharing effective solutions will contribute positively in reducing environmental damage both locally and globally.

"This is an urgent matter because by their action or inaction, China and the US will largely determine how much climate change we have in the 21st century," he said.

Coal accounts for 69.3 percent of China's total energy consumption, and its large volume of reserves can help guarantee the country's energy security, Ma said.

"But we will reduce the percentage in our total energy consumption and apply cleaner technologies to reduce pollution and emission while burning coal."

The NDRC and the US Department of Energy signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in September to cooperate in increasing energy efficiency in China's industrial sector, which accounts for 70 percent of the country's energy demand.

Earlier, Assistant Secretary to the US Department of Energy Karen Harbert said the MOU could serve as a channel for US companies to export environment-friendly US-made equipment and services to China.

Ma said: "I hope the working teams from the two sides can finish preparatory work as soon as possible and put the MOU in action soon."

The NDRC has agreed with the US departments of Energy and Agriculture that the two countries will implement "comprehensive cooperation" in bio-mass research and use.

"This is our cooperation priority, and I hope we can act now," Ma said.

(英语点津 Celene 编辑)

from China Daily
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