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Report from GreenSOS Kui Li,from USA

发表于 2006-11-8 22:51:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Summary report(Oct.)

Because we have a lot vacation during this month, so I didn’t have so much time in office or working. So this summary report will be shorter.


Monitoring. This month we do ecological monitoring almost the whole month. It is totally relax and totally fun. Just use the measurement tape to measure stream and vegetation feature. It is cool. And I learn a lot during this month. Because of the monitoring, I make a plan of invasive control and ecological monitoring when I go back China. I hope it will be a project in GreenSOS.
when we have some spare time at lunch time or after work, we work the EarthCorps Auction. Every year, EarthCorps have auction for the donator or sponsor. It is a opportunity that sponsor know what is happen during the last year. And it also a opportunity that fundraising for EarthCorps. Everyone should pay $50 to go to auction. But EarthCorps for free. I donate 1 box of Chinese traditional medicine and two Chinese maps to the auction. Haha. The auction is on 21 Oct. I will give some detail next summary report.
we have a mid-season retreat in this month. We go to valley camp and stay there 3 days. During these 3 days, we just have 2 hour education for cross-culture. The rest time is play different games for team building.
EarthCorps have a cooperate project with Washington state university and we have three days education day in WSU. The professor teach us about the wetland, soil, environmental restoration, vegetation monitoring.


I invite international volunteers came to my house and have a potluck. Everyone bring their country food and share to each other. The food from outside the USA didn’t feel sweet. The food from USA will feel really sweet. I think it is the difference between several countries.
23 Sep. it is Jewish new year, that day we eat a lot and also have a lot of fun.
if you go to the restaurant, the tip is 15%-20%. Is it expensive? I think so .

this introduce about my work and house is short. Then I want to introduce my plan.

I want to make a project that I can do when I back to China. because I do invasive plan control and ecological monitoring here almost 6 months, so I think I have relevant experience that can support me make a small project in China.

The overview about the project: First is ecological monitoring for the invasive plants. Because I want to know how bad that area is. And I can collect some data. Second, I want to do some invasive remove and analyze different methods. The third step is I want to do the ecological monitoring again and compare the data from the first monitoring. The last is that I can give some advice about the invasive control. It looks more professional than the former project. I already contact with the professor in Beijing and Sichuan university, they already give me some advice that I can do. It is cool.

During my project, student can learn the invasive plant and native plant ID, GPS or GIS, invasive control methods, ecological monitoring, soil and biologic. I think student who get this training will be very benefit for themselves. I am not sure what is result that this professional project, but I want to try.

Now the problem is money. I send the project overview to many organizations and foundation. But it still no any reaction about the money. If the board member have some methods, please give me some contact and I can contact with the sponsor. It is the first professional project that make in China and concern with this area, so I think it is a new point. I appreciate any kind of help and suggestions.

What do I do next month?

collect the information for my project.
meet some professor in this field.
next month we also have a lot vacation about thanksgiving. So happy the rest of month.


We use the injection method to control the invasive plant and it is the only one plant that need pesticide.


This is my crew learning map drawing.


Look, I am this guy build this trail…------hard work. You can not imagine….
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-8 22:53:02 | 显示全部楼层
Summary report( Sep.)

This month continue EarthCorps’ regular activities and education days. Now, I found that it is already half of time that three months was gone. Just three months left. How time flies! But this month is normal. I try to find out some new things to share with you. Please follow me:


Except work, this month have many education days that pretty good. I found that I can learn many special knowledge during the education days. For example, measurement. The people from EarthCorps, project manager teach us how to use campus, how to set the point, how to use the tape and map paper to draw the map. Then we go in the field to practice. In the next month, we must use the map that we draw to decide what kind of trees we need plant and how to plant these trees. During this two week, we learn the ecological monitoring, which include the stream monitoring and vegetation monitoring. EarthCorps invite the professor from another organization and teach us most or the monitoring methods and give us practical  practice.
plant test. I found that most challenge thing in here is plant test. Because from now on, whatever invasive plant control or planting plan, we must know which plant is invasive and which plant need wetland or dry area. So on Sep. 1, we have a plant test. During the day time we need work and just 45 minutes lunch time we can finish lunch quickly and go to identify the different kinds of plants. Just 4 days, we need remember 40 plants name. then we need identify the plants and the most important part is we must write down the Latin name of plants in plant test.  During that 4 days, It almost make me crazy everyday. But very fortunately, I got the full mark.
The world night already finish. 15 countries show their culture. That is wonderful.  I like different countries’ food very much.
EarthCorps have a group of visitor from Russia last week. And very luck that last Monday I day off but I chose to go to office to help office manager. So I met the Russian team and we have a good communication. The Russian team come to Seattle and visited EarthCorps which is paid by USA government. It is a cooperation project. The Russian team named GBT already have ten years cooperation with EarthCorps. The GBT have similar international project that also need international volunteer. GreenSOS can send volunteers to Russia to help them finish their work. The project in GBT just one month, I think our volunteer can go to Russia during the summer vacation. That is a attractive point to volunteers.
Last Monday, I worked in the EarthCorps office to help office manager and finance manager to do some work. What I know is most of work for them are regular. Everyday they just check the work schedule and see what kind of things need to finish today. The schedule make half of year before. The work crew( like me )need arrive office on time, but the office staff can come to office any time they want. They just need to count that every day they have 8 hours work and that is all.
This Wednesday EarthCorps have mid-season retreat. During retreat, we will have some team building and evaluation about everybody.
I did a presentation about China environmental issue and my organization introduction. The whole process is one hour. The feedback from other people is good and the evaluation about me presentation is almost perfect. People really enjoy in it. I use the flash and video to show China’s environmental issue.
EarthCorps make a new website about homestay and volunteer. And my picture and some of other people’s pictures send on the website. Songxi from Beijing earth village want to apply this project. he send me email and contact with me. I think if people want to apply this project in China, they must know GreenSOS and want to contact with me. It is a good beginning to announce GreenSOS.


This month we have many thing happen in the house, most of things is good.

organic food. Every weekend, my homestay drive me to the farmer market to buy organic food. Because farmer market just open every Saturday morning. So most of our neighborhood will choose that day to go to shopping. the food from the farmer market is organic. But some of them have certification and some of them do not have certification. Here people all trust farmers. Some of our neighborhood eat organic food every day. Because the farmer can driver the food to the house and sell in the house. It depend how rich you are.
my homestay drive me to the zoo and some fair. I found that the zoo in Seattle have more education materials and the animal also in the cafe. The difference is the cafe is bigger than Chendu’s zoo. It looks like Jintang wild life park. And the fair just in some period, it don’t like China that you can go to the fair anytime you want. All the rides in fair is so stimulating that the old people can not ride it any longer.
at the end of last month is my homestay’s birthday party. They are Jewish. They have some special ceremony during the birthday party. Many Jewish people get together to celebrate the birthday party. That was fun. On that day, I met many Chinese girl. Some are Jewish family adopted from China(very common). Some are live in Jewish families’ house.
my home isn’t normal American family. Because I need wash their plate almost everyday. Other volunteer’s house always the volunteer wash themselves dish. But in my house they ask me to wash their dish. The reason is the child need study after dinner and the mother work so hard during the daytime. Oh, I don’t like this point. Everyday almost use me half hour to wash the whole day dish.
we had a international dinner party last night. That is pretty good. 8 international volunteers came over and cooked their countries’ food. My homestay invited many her friends came here to taste the food from all over the world.

Some informations that GreenSOS can use:

I got global leader training materials from GBT training. I think it is a very useful information. It can use in our teamwork training. Now I just mention some important point:
leader doesn’t mean that he or she have power, it just mean he or she need build a platform to other people to perform. And make sure everybody do their work.
During the training that we can ask some questions that need everybody’s answer one by one, not just some active students answer questions. It can make everybody involve in it.
Every new creation is welcome.
Whatever the project or volunteer management can not move so fast. The quickly project or fast project just one person project. If the project need the team work, it can not move so fast or it need the people have similar experience and have stable project pattern. Otherwise volunteers will have pressure and they will leave project very easily.
After work, the appreciation is very important. It can maintain the volunteers. At the meantime, the manager can know everything how is going.
www.thesca.org is a organization that similar EarthCorps. This organization also have international position. And EarthCorps project manager work for SCA for ten years. When she introduce the SCA, I feel it more close to GreenSOS’s work compare with EarthCorps.
the meeting is very necessary. Every week have a project manager meeting. even sometimes very short, but it is useful and necessary. The pattern of the meeting is:
project update
action items
cry for help
check in
At the beginning of our project, we need make a form about the volunteer’s available time. And we can read the form to make our training or project schedule.
if we have some teamwork building or capacity building training, it is good that we go to their university. It is cheap than we pay everybody come to Sichuan university. And at the same time, they need pay. Not so much, just let them know they need involve in the training.
EarthCorps finance situation: 44% foundation; 19% cooperation; 37% individual. That is mean write the project to apply the money is important, but the relationship between the director and individual is also very important. Although the environment between China and USA is totally different, but we need train the students have a good relationship with stockholder. EC individual part always the director go to some party and met some rich people. And they donate the money, include international stipend and all the fee.
EarthCorps also do many work. Such as: help people design the garden, flowers maintenance, tutoring, guide nature hike, bike tuning…….many things, that is why EarthCorps have many reasons to apply the money.
the office stuff all have a list. Whatever people borrow something or donate something, they will register by themselves. Some office manager just need to check the information one time every week. That is all and it decrease many repeat work.

What will I do next month?

I almost finish the plan last month and next month we have a long vacation and I will go to travel. So I probably can not do much work. Something as follow:

*  try to contact with other NGOs.

*  meet project manager and international manager.








发表于 2006-11-9 00:46:04 | 显示全部楼层
西南民族大学环境保护与发展协会 [move]青藤家园 [/move] QQ:190062224 邮箱:mjc52@163.com








发表于 2006-11-11 22:09:55 | 显示全部楼层
GreenSOS www.greensos.org
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-12 14:32:42 | 显示全部楼层
black means healthy










发表于 2006-12-6 00:42:40 | 显示全部楼层
  才发现我的英语原来比自己想象的还要烂 [s:6]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-6 09:11:23 | 显示全部楼层
引用第5楼free风2006-12-06 00:42发表的“”:
  才发现我的英语原来比自己想象的还要烂 [s:6]








发表于 2006-12-8 15:36:02 | 显示全部楼层
看了半天没看懂是什么意思 [s:6]
行到水穷处,卧看云起时。 ---------------------------西安营------------------------








发表于 2007-2-11 20:11:47 | 显示全部楼层
Hope everything on the up [s:2]
加油!!绿之梦 http://www.greendream.ngo.cn










发表于 2007-3-19 11:40:29 | 显示全部楼层
天 .学好英语很重要!
绿色无处不在,行动创造未来  akesa1985@163.com 379064022
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