Petroleum & Environment Newsletter
试 刊 2005年4月1日
编 辑: 石油和环境网络
石油和环境网络(暂定名,Petroleum Environment Network,后面简称PEN)是一个非营利兴趣小组,更多介绍请见此简报后面的“了解PEN”。PEN的网站正在建设之中。
PEN 简讯将提供石油和环境的相关信息,这些信息已经注明作者或来源,并不代表PEN的观点。
资 讯
1.会议主题:Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition
时间:5 - 7 Apr 2005
地点:Jakarta, Indonesia
主办:SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
介绍:The event provides a platform for industry professionals to share knowledge and best practices through discussions on various technical topics, and solutions for tomorrow’s challenges.
另外,一个讨论会(A Young E& Professionals Workshop)也将举行。
2.会议主题:Biodiversity & the Oil and Gas Industry: Issues and Opportunities in the Mediterranean and North Africa
时间:10-11 May 2005,
地点:Tunis, Tunisia
主办:IPIECA(International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association)
OGP (The International Association of Oil & Gas producers)
介绍:This workshop, kindly hosted by Repsol YPF, aims to increase understanding of current regional and international issues, share company experiences and raise awareness of opportunities for effective near and long term action. It will focus particularly on biodiversity in arid/semi-arid regions and coastal/offshore areas via presentation and break-out sessions.
培训班:Crisis Management for Senior Managers
地点:Dubai(United Arab Emirates )
主办: Regional Clean Sea Organisation
介绍:Your organization could face a crisis at any time. Disasters happen at oil industry offshore and onshore operations; Shipping/Tanker companies operations at sea, Oil Terminals or in Ports and Harbors. Will you enforce a Crisis Management plan? You will have to act quickly- is your company prepared?
If not, then you should not miss this RECSO training。
评 论
Record Oil Profits Should Benefit Communities, Environment
David Gordon (Executive Director of Pacific Environment)
Buoyed by record oil prices, oil giant Exxon-Mobil announced in January that it had made a profit of $8.4 billion during the last quarter of 2004, a U.S. record. Royal Dutch/Shell announced a profit of $10 billion for the same period, the largest U.K. corporate profit in history.
The oil companies claim they plow that money into jobs, development of clean energy technologies, and other things you could undoubtedly get behind. But if Big Oil is serious about investing in the people and places that made these profits possible, or about protecting the environment, there are a few things they could do with their windfall.
With a bit more than half of its profit from the last quarter of 2004, Exxon could pay off the court-ordered judgment of $4.5 billion to pay restitution to victims of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. For more than 15 years, the company has fought efforts to make it pay for the damage it caused to fishermen and communities in Alaska‘s Prince William Sound. Why not cut a check today?
Speaking of Alaska, the oil companies and their allies in Washington keep telling us that the oil under the Artic National Wildlife Refuge is essential to breaking our dependence for oil on perpetually unstable places like the Middle East.
But imagine what an investment by Shell and Exxon of their combined profits from the last quarter of 2004-nearly $20 billion-could do for renewable energy technologies, the true route to energy independence. With an upfront investment of $100 million approved by voters, San Francisco is building solar and wind turbine capacity that will power a quarter of that city‘s government electricity usage. $20 billion would allow for 200 such projects around the country.
At the very least, the oil companies should be doing their level best to take care of the people and environment where they are drilling for oil right now.
On Sakhalin, a remote Russian island just north of Japan, Exxon and Shell have made some of the biggest investments in Russia‘s history in oil and natural gas extraction. But the native people who live on Sakhalin have had their reindeer pastures trampled, their salmon streams sullied, and their cod fisheries damaged by the construction.
In January, hundreds of local natives came out in -30 Fahrenheit weather to blockade roads to the Shell and Exxon construction sites. They asked for an independent assessment of the harm caused to their livelihoods, mitigation of these negative impacts, and compensation for their losses.
These same oil projects threaten a critically endangered population of gray whales. Only about 100 of these magnificent animals remain and an independent scientific panel requested by the oil companies themselves reported this month "the loss of one additional adult female…would be sufficient to drive the population towards extinction."
With just a fraction of their profits from last quarter, Shell and Exxon could agree to the demands of the native people on Sakhalin Island and provide them with compensation for their losses. With a bit more, the companies could revise their projects to ensure that oil and gas drilling don‘t drive the Western Pacific Grey Whale into extinction.
In other words, Exxon and Shell and their peers have a choice. They can continue to reap record profits and pay off their shareholders and the politicians who protect them. Or they can invest in a future that frees us from oil dependence, benefits local communities, and protects pristine ecosystems. In the long-term, it‘s really not a tough choice. It should be the only choice.
郭 望
石油和环境网络(Petroleum Environment Network )是一个非营利兴趣小组。PEN立足于石油(也包括天然气、石化等)和环境的交叉领域,推动石油企业和环境的和谐发展,提高石油企业的环境业绩;PEN也积极关注石油企业在安全、健康、社会责任、可持续发展等领域的努力和行动。
卢 聪,负责人,西南石油学院研究生院油气田开发工程04级
138 8096 0896;lucong1231@sina.com
温 新,负责网站建设,西南石油学院材料高分子材料专业2002级
133 5007 5851;wenxin00180@yahoo.com.cn
王 鹏,负责同环境NGO的沟通,西南石油学院机电工程专业2001级
138 8097 8505;colliewp@hotmail.com
蔡 浩 负责网站制作。西南石油学院过程装备与控制专业2002级
138 8049 0587
郭 望,负责编辑简讯,同石油公司的沟通,中国石化西南分公司川西采输处员工。
139 9029 9575;guowang@swpi.edu.cn
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