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发表于 2012-7-20 15:37:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Plan International is one of the world’s oldest and largest international INGOs, working to fulfil the needs and rights of disadvantaged children and young people in 48 developing countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Plan's vision is of a world in which all children realise their full potential in societies that respect people's rights and dignity.

Plan has been working in China since 1995 with current operations focused in rural communities across Shaanxi Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province and other rural locations across China. More recently Plan has also started working with the children of migrant families in urban locations. Our work is carried out in close coordination with Chinese government partners with current our long-term partner being the Shaanxi Women’s Federation.

We are currently looking to recruit for the following key position.

Disaster Risk Management Program Advisor

Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Xi’an or Beijing
工作地点:  西安或北京

Job Statement:
This position is responsible to support in building, managing and continuously implementation of Plan’s Global Disaster Management Policy and Strategy, and integrating disaster risk management (DRM) within programs in Plan China.

•    Assist in developing DRM framework, mechanisms and principles for Plan China;
•    协助开发国际计划(中国)灾害风险管理框架,机制和原则;
•    Prepare and periodically update a disaster/hazard calendar for China and undertake an analysis;
•    对国际计划(中国)年度灾害发生频率进行预测和定期更新,并对其进行分析;
•    Assist in designing and managing the implementation of the disaster preparedness assessment/training packages;
•    协助设计灾害警备评估/培训包并负责管理其实施;
•    Together with DRM team, work in the first line of deployment for all significant disasters within China;
•    与灾害风险管理团队一起在中国范围内发生的所有重大灾害部署第一线工作;
•    Support and facilitate the implementation of DRM program through coordinating with relevant departments of Plan and partners;
•    通过协调国际计划相关部门和合作伙伴对灾害风险管理项目提供支持并促进其实施;
•    Provide guidance and technical support for DRM integration in the new CSPs and programme cycle (PALS);
•    为灾害风险管理与新的国家战略规划和项目周期整合提供指导和技术支持;
•    Support PUs in undertaking disaster risk reduction pilot, and monitor the quality of implementations;
•    对县办减灾试点项目的实施提供支持并监测实施质量;
•    Engage externally with relevant actors and coordinate Plans work with other international/national/institutions and agencies in line with the DRM strategy;
•    与外部相关方联系并协调国际计划和其它国际/国内组织和机构的工作,并确保与灾害风险管理战略相一致;
•    Work closely with communication team to timely update disaster information and take an active role in supporting grant acquisition for relevant DRM related work.
•    与外联团队密切合作以便及时更新灾害信息并为灾害风险管理相关工作的赠款申请扮演积极角色。

•    University Bachelor or Master Degree in environment, social development and education;
•    大学学士或硕士学位,环境,社会发展和教育专业;
•    Strong reasoning and analytical skills;
•    较强的分析和推理能力;
•    Good Inter-personal communication skill;
•    良好人际沟通能力;
•    Computer skill on statistical software, spreadsheet and database, and has strong Microsoft desktop/server and Network Support skills;
•    熟悉使用计算机统计软件,电子表格和数据库,并具备熟练使用电脑/服务器和网络的能力;
•    At least 5-8 years working experience on Development field, and minimum 2 years working experience especially in disaster management;
•    至少5-8年在发展领域的工作经验,不低于2年在灾害管理方面的工作经验;
•    Strong verbal and written Communication skills in Mandarin Chinese and English
•    优秀的中英文口语及书面沟通能力;
•    Strong commitment and active to disaster relief work;
•    致力于并积极参与减防灾工作;
•    Working in a Team, flexible and gender sensitive;
•    有团队精神,灵活并有性别敏感意识;
•    Demonstrated dedication to helping children and families in need;
•    致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭;
•    Willing to travel within/outside the Country.
•    愿意在国内及国外出差。

Health Advisor

Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Xi’an or Beijing
工作地点:  西安或北京

Job Statement:

This position is responsible for the designing, developing and managing rural health programs. By applying working methods such as gender equality, participation and empowerment, to provide necessary technical support to program units of Plan.

•    To design, develop and manage rural health programs;
•    农村健康项目的设计、开发和管理;
•    To provide necessary technical support to program units of Plan;
•    给县项目办提供必要的技术支持;
•    To design and implement advocacy strategy of health programs;
•    健康项目倡导策略的设计和实施;
•    To establish partnerships with government, NGOs and communities;
•    与政府、非政府以及社区合作伙伴建立联系;
•    To ensure health research in line with Plan China’s strategy and priority;
•    确保健康领域内的研究符合国际计划(中国)的策略和优先领域
•    Identify innovation in health programs and how this can be used for advocacy;
•    确认项目的革新点并落实如何倡导健康项目的创新;
•    Keep up to date with policy developments, research, guidelines etc. that are relevant to health programming and share these knowledge and experience with others (TSU, PU staff, partners etc.).
•    及时更新健康项目的政策、研究、指南,并和其它部门,包括技术、县办和合作伙伴等分享我们的知识和经验。

•    Master Degree in Public Health or above, with background in sociology is preferred;
•    公共卫生专业,硕士学位或以上,同时具有社会学专业背景者优先;
•    Demonstrated interests and commitment to rural health issues, especially children and women’s health;
•    对农村健康项目有浓厚兴趣和相应投入,尤其针对儿童和妇女健康;
•    Minimum three years’ experience in rural health program design or management, and experience in strategy of health programs design and implementation;
•    至少三年以上农村健康项目设计或管理经验,具有一定的健康项目战略规划的设计和实施经验;
•    Thorough understanding of public policies in rural health;
•    全面了解农村卫生的公共政策;
•    Extensive network with government and non-government organizations in the health sector;
•    在健康领域与政府及非政府组织的广泛联系;
•    Excellent communication skills with staff from government, NGO, and partners of communities;
•    良好的与政府、非政府以及社区合作伙伴沟通的能力;
•    Excellent team work ability;
•    良好的团队工作能力;
•    Basic knowledge of applied statistics;
•    具备应用统计学的基本知识;
•    Excellent oral and written communications in both English and Chinese;
•    优秀的中英文听说读写能力;
•    Adept computer skills (especially in web, office based);
•    娴熟的计算机技能(特别是网络应用,办公软件等);
•    Ability and willingness to travel often in rural and other area;
•    能够并愿意经常在农村和其它地方出差;
•    Demonstrated dedication to helping children and families in need.
•    致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭。

Child Protection Advisor

Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Xi’an or Beijing

Major Responsibilities:
•    To design, develop and manage child protection programs;
•    To provide necessary technical support to program unites of Plan;
•    To design and implement advocacy strategy of child protection programs;
•    To establish partnerships with government, NGOs and communities in order to advocate the best practices and evidence-based child protection programme;
•    To facilitate Plan China to in its efforts to work with partner organizations to establish a comprehensive child protection mechanism in pilot counties;
•    To fulfill an advisory, capacity building and assessment role to local staff and partners in order to advocate the best practice and standards within the child protection program;
•    Advise on the development of a child protection resource including manual, handbook training materials;
•    Undertake other tasks as determined by the program support manager.

•    University Degree or above, with background in sociology and law in the field of child welfare is preferred;
•    大学及以上学历,具有社会学专业和儿童福利法规背景者优先;
•    Understanding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant instruments;
•    熟悉联合国《儿童权利公约》及相关法律文书;
•    Demonstrated interests and commitment to child protection issues;
•    对儿童保护问题有浓厚兴趣和相应投入;
•    Minimum five years’ experience in child protection program design or management, and experience in strategy of child protection programs design and implementation;
•    至少五年以上儿童保护项目设计或管理经验,具有一定的儿童保护项目战略规划的设计和实施经验;
•    Thorough understanding of public policies in child protection ;
•    全面了解儿童保护相关政策;
•    Extensive network with government and non-government organizations in the child protection sector;
•    在儿童保护领域与政府及非政府组织的广泛联系;
•    Excellent communication skills with staff from government, NGO, and partners of communities;
•    良好的与政府、非政府以及社区合作伙伴沟通的能力;
•    Excellent team work ability;
•    良好的团队工作能力;
•    Excellent oral and written communications in both English and Chinese;
•    优秀的中英文听说读写能力;
•    Adept computer skills (especially in web, office based);
•    娴熟的计算机技能(特别是网络应用,办公软件等);
•    Ability and willingness to travel often in rural and other area;
•    能够并愿意经常在农村和其它地方出差;
•    Demonstrated dedication to helping children and families in need.
•    致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭。

Country Office Translator

Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Country Office in Xi’an

Major Responsibilities:
•    Carries responsibility for Plan China translation work (English to Chinese and Chinese to English), both in written form and oral interpretation;
•    Coordinates a translator pool in order to support the translation need of all departments and unit;
•    provides periodic interpretation support for senior expatriate staff and visitors to China, sometimes including public or media events and ceremonies;
•    为外籍高级员工以及到中国的来访者,有时亦对公共场合或媒体场合,提供必要的口译支持;
•    Provides professional support in language related issues for any of staff when requested;
•    Reviews the output of contracted translators for quantity and quality;
•    Maintains and updates orderly electronic files of translations.

•    Recognized university bachelor degree or above, or equivalent with minimum 1 year professional experience in translation/interpretation;
•    国家承认的大学本科学历或以上,或同等学历但需至少一年专业笔译/口译经验;
•    Being interested in, committed to or having background of development work, particularly child rights;
•    热心致力于发展工作,特别是儿童权利,或具有相关背景;
•    Excellent oral and written bilingual proficiency in both English and Chinese;
•    优秀的中英文能力(书面、口语);
•    Having good communication, coordination and interpersonal skills;
•    具有良好的沟通、协调、人际关系能力;
•    Having high level presentation and training skills;
•    具有较强的表达和培训能力;
•    Good problem solver and self leaner;
•    具有较强的解决问题和自学能力;
•    Being able to work well under pressure with tight deadline;
•    能够在压力和紧迫的时间期限下,良好地完成工作;
•    Having good computer skills (especially Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
•    具备良好的计算机操作能力(特别是微软Word, Excel, PowerPoint和Outlook);
•    Being able to travel to poor areas in bad weather and road conditions for Plan’s business;
•    能够在恶劣天气和路况下出差前往贫困地区执行公务;
•    Be initiative, honest, patient and responsible;
•    为人积极主动、诚实、耐心和负责;
•    Ability and willingness to travel often in rural and other area;
•    能够并愿意经常在农村和其它地方出差;
•    Demonstrated dedication to helping children and families in need.
•    致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭。

Community Development Facilitator

Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Jiaxian, Shaanxi Province

Major Responsibilities:
•    Undertakes community organizing activities and encourages the formation or alliances of new children and civil society and mandated local government groups where are none;
•    承担社区组织活动,鼓励儿童、公民社会和其他委任的当地政府团体结成新的联盟;
•    Represents Plan in any community level activity;
•    在各种社区活动中代表国际计划;
•    Initiate a participatory process of community development planning, negotiate and agree which projects Plan will commit to fund and include in the PU budget;
•    发动社区发展规划的参与式方式,讨论并同意国际计划应资助的项目并纳入到项目区预算当中;
•    Prepare progress and completion reports and enter them into the PPM, informs community and obtain feedback;
•    准备项目进度及完成报告,并录入PPM。通知社区并汲取反馈;
•    Facilitates the annual participatory reviews and use results to update community profiles and community development plans and sponsorship  communications such as Area overviews/Area updates;
•    协调每年的参与式回顾。并用回顾的结果来更新社区文件和社区发展规划,以及儿童交流的报告,如地区概览及地区更新;
•    Approved caseload is maintained according to procedure and requirements;
•    根据流程和需求对已批准的工作量进行调整;
•    Orient, accompany and debrief visiting Sponsors, prepare and submit visit reports within prescribed time frame.
•    陪同来访的资助人,并向其介绍项目区的概况。在要求时间内提交访问报告。

•    Bachelor’ degree or it equivalent in social/community development and other related fields;
•    学士学位或同等学历,社会/社区发展或其他相关专业;
•    Fluency in written and spoken English and Chinese Languages;
•    中英文说写流利;
•    Good computer skills;
•    具备一定的电脑操作能力;
•    Two years experience in actual community organising and development;
•    两年以上在社区组织及发展的工作经验;
•    Hands-on experience in participatory approaches;
•    有参与式工作方法的实际经验;
•    Knowledge on child rights and rights based programming;
•    具备儿童权利和基于项目的权利的相关知识;
•    Training design, need analysis, organizing;
•    培训设计,需求分析和组织能力;
•    Be honest, patient and responsible;
•    为人诚恳,工作耐心、认真、负责;
•    Demonstrated dedication to helping children and families in need.
•    致力于帮助农村贫困儿童及其家庭。


Recruit Number: 1

Duty station: Country Office in Xi’an

Major Responsibilities主要职责:
•    Maintain& bind up all the SC files and finish SC data entry and SC photo encoding before the set deadline;
•    整理装订所有交流儿童的档案并在规定时间内完成交流儿童信息输入和交流儿童照片的加注工作;
•    Finish the SP letters/ gifts sorting and distribution timely;
•    及时完成资助人信件/礼物整理、登记及发送工作;
•    Finish SC communication products sorting, packing and mailing;
•    完成SC交流产品的整理、包装及邮寄工作;
•    Pieceworker is obliged to keep all the documents and letters given by Plan from and kind of damage or loss or leakage.
•    计件工应对国际计划工作进行保密,经手的东西不得外传损失。

•    With dedicated spirit for children;
•    热心儿童工作,富有奉献精神;
•    Basic knowledge of computer operating skill;
•    具备基础的电脑操作能力;
•    Basic knowledge of English;
•    具备基本的英文知识;
•    Be honest, patient and responsible;
•    为人诚恳,工作耐心、认真、负责;
•    Able to use the office machines, such as: printer, copy machine etc.
•    能使用如:打印机,复印机等办公用品。

Four hours per day during 9am to 2 pm or 1pm to 5pm, not including one hour lunch time.   Weekly working time shall not be over 24 hours.
每天工作4小时(工作时间为上午9:00-2:00, 其中一个小时为午餐时间, 不计入工作时间;或下午1:00-5:00),每周工作不超过24小时。

Payment: 10RMB/hour. The payment will be no later than the 10th of the next month when finished one month service. If the payment date is in the holiday, the payment will be given after the holiday.


Plan offers an exciting career in civil society development, particularly focusing on child centered community development and the opportunity to significantly contribute to poverty alleviation in China’s rural areas.

Qualified women are especially encouraged to apply.

Plan China is committed to actively safeguard children and young people (under the age of 18 years of age) from harm and ensuring children’s rights to protection are fully realised[1]. We take seriously our responsibility to promote child safe practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation in any form. Please note that all applicants for employment (either paid or unpaid) with Plan China are required to provide a declaration of their criminal history and employment disciplinary history.

Interested persons are requested to submit their applications IN BOTH ENGLISH & CHINESE LANGUAGES containing a letter of application and their curriculum vitae/bio data to the following email before August 3, 2012:

Human Resources Department
Plan China
7/F. Qin Dian International Building
396, East Nan’erhuan
Xi’an, 710061, Shaanxi
E-mail address: Planchina.HR@Plan-International.org

电子邮件地址:Planchina.HR@Plan-International.org (谢绝来访)


[1] Supporting Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) China is a signatory of the UNCRC








Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2012-7-20 20:12:40 | 显示全部楼层
雨峰——喜欢蓝天白云的日子,喜欢群星璀璨的夜晚。 陕西青年与环境互助网络:http://www.msc.org.cn 西工大绿色行服务队:http://www.nwpulsx.org 西工大星星火环保协会:http://www.xingxinghuo.net 我的空间:http://hi.baidu.com/lemonyustar 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/lemonyustar
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