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发表于 2012-11-17 17:27:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013  Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) Program


有意者请详细阅读下文的英文招募公告,并将个人的英文简历以及以下三个问题的答案以word文档的形式于2012年12月10日前发送到绿点官方邮箱:gpaction.vip.163.com.邮件请以“2013 SUSI +Name”命名。面试时间、形式、地点会另行通知。我们将推荐1名同学参与竞选。

1、 What was the biggest achievement you have accomplished in
environmental protection? Please describe how you achieved it?(300

2、 If you get the opportunity, what will you want to learn ? (200

3、 If you get the opportunity, what will you do to promote the local
environmental movement after your study tour? How will you use the knowledge
that you have learned? (200 words)




2013 Study of the U.S. Institute

for Student Leaders on Global Environmental

The Study of the U.S. Branch (ECA/A/E/USS) is pleased to invite
candidate nominations from posts for a FY 2013 Study of the U.S. Institute for
Student Leaders from Brazil, China, Japan,Russia, and Turkey interested in the
topic of Global Environmental Issues. The Institute will take place in June and
July 2013,pending availability of funds and ECA award approval. Exact dates and
host institution will be announced at a later time.

1. Program Description:

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders are intensive
academic programs whose purpose is to provide groups of undergraduate student
leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States, while simultaneously
enhancing their leadership skills. The Institutes will consist of a balanced
series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures.The
coursework and classroom activities will be complemented by educational travel,
site visits, leadership activities, and volunteer opportunities. The Institutes
will include an academic residency component of approximately four weeks and a
domestic study tour of approximately one week. During the academic residency,
participants will also have the opportunity to engage in educational and
cultural activities outside of the classroom.

The four week academic residency will explore the role that
environmental policy has played in the economic and political development of the
United States. The Institute will use experiential learning techniques to expose
participants to current themes in the field, including natural resource
management,sustainable development/sustainable agricultural practices, food
security, ecotourism, energy generation (new and traditional forms), and water
management and treatment. The issues will be explored from numerous angles:
local grassroots activism and civic initiatives, market-oriented approaches, and
federal government policies and regulation. Finally, the Institute will explore
environmental issues in the context of a globalized society, and draw
comparisons between the United States and the participants' home countries.
Students will also have the opportunity to leave the classroom to meet with
community leaders, and representatives of non-profit organizations. The academic
residency will be complemented by an educational tour that will take
participants to another area of the U.S. where they will meet with local,
state,private, and nonprofit organizations working in the field. The Institute
will then conclude with a 3 day program in Washington,

2. Other Essential Program Information:

A. Program Funding: Through the award given to the selected recipient institution, ECA
will cover all participant costs,including: program administration; domestic
travel and ground transportation; book, cultural, mailing and incidental
allowances;and housing and subsistence. ECA will provide posts with fiscal data
to pay for participants' international travel costs within set

B. Housing and Meal Arrangements: Housing will be in university dorms or full service hotel.
Participants may be expected to share a room and bathroom with another student
of the same gender. Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though
participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own. It is
important that nominees are aware of these arrangements and that they are
comfortable with such accommodations.

Care will be taken to ensure that any special requirements regarding
diet, daily worship, housing, and medical care are satisfied.

C. Health Benefits: All participants will receive the Department of State's coverage of
$100,000 with a $15 co-pay for the duration of the program. Pre-existing
conditions are not covered. Information on the health benefit program may be
found online at usdos.sevencorners.com.

D. Program Requirements and Restrictions: Participants are expected to fully participate in all aspects of the
program. They should attend all lectures and organized academic and cultural
activities, and complete assigned readings. Candidates should be made aware that
the Institute is very intensive and that there will be little time for personal
pursuits unrelated to the program.

Under no circumstances are participants allowed to arrive in the U.S.
prior to the start date of the Institute or remain in the U.S. after its end
date. Similarly, participants will not be allowed to leave the Institute to
visit relatives or friends while in the U.S.If a relative or friend wishes to
visit them, it will be addressed on a case by case basis, in consultation with
ECA program officer and the host institution.Violations of program rules, host
institution rules, or local,state or federal laws can be grounds for immediate
dismissal from the program. It is important that these requirements and
restrictions be made clear to all candidates before nominations are

E. English Language Ability: All candidates should be proficient in English so that they can be
active participants in the academic program. Host institutions will take into
account that the level of comprehension and speaking ability of students may
vary, and will prepare lectures and discussions that meet the highest academic
standards while using language appropriate for students where English is their
second or third language.

3. Candidate Description and Qualifications:

The participants are expected to be highly motivated first through
third year undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other
institutions of higher education, who demonstrate leadership through academic
work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities. Their fields of
study can vary, and may include the sciences, social sciences, humanities,
education, business, and other professional fields. Emphasis should be made on
recruiting participants from non-elite backgrounds, from both rural and urban
sectors, and with little or no prior experience in the United States or
elsewhere outside their home country. In addition, recruitment of participants
should be focused on historically underserved, indigenous groups, and ethnic
minority communities.

Candidates nominated for this program will:

-be proficient in English;

-have a strong interest in the environment;

-be between 18 and 25 years of age;

-have at least one semester left of their undergraduate studies,and
therefore be committed to return to their home universities following completion
of the program;

-demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their
university and community activities;

-indicate a serious interest in learning about the United

-have a sustained high level of academic achievement, as indicated by
grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;

-demonstrate commitment to community and extracurricular university

-have little or no prior study or travel experience in the United
States or elsewhere outside of their home country;

-be mature, responsible, independent, confident,
open-minded,tolerant, thoughtful, and inquisitive;

-be willing and able to fully participate in an intensive academic
program, community service, and educational travel; and,

-be comfortable with campus life, prepared to share living
accommodations, and able to make adjustments to cultural and social practices
different from those of their home country.

4. Frequently Asked Questions:

This FAQ section addresses some commonly asked questions by posts.If
you cannot find an answer to your question please contact the program officer
for this Institute.

a. What degree of English proficiency should a nominee have?

All participants must be fully proficient in English;throughout the
Institute they will need to fully understand lectures, actively participate in
discussions, and read and write assignments in English.

b. Can a nominee who is a dual citizen (U.S. and country of origin)
participate in Study of the U.S. Institutes?

No. U.S. citizens and
permanent residents (green card holders) are NOT eligible to participate in this

c. Can we nominate an individual who is not a citizen of the
nominating post country?

Yes. However, Study of the U.S.Institutes are programs designed to
further mutual understanding between U.S. citizens and citizens of other
countries. If you wish to nominate someone who is not a citizen of the
nominating country,please explain clearly on the application the reasons for the

d. My nominee has been to the U.S. before; would s/he be

No. Nominees with little experience in the United States can be
considered for the program. Please be sure to clearly indicate the purpose of
the nominee's visit to the U.S.,the year, and the length of his/her stay as
requested on the nomination form.

e. How much free time will a participant have during the program?

There will be some free time during the program.However, nominees
MUST understand that this is an intensive academic program and they are expected
to fully participate in all lectures, activities, and scheduled

f. If a nominee has relatives in the U.S., would s/he have time to
see them?

Participants will NOT be allowed to leave the Institute to visit
relatives or friends. Occasionally it is possible for a relative or friend to
visit the participant on a specific day designated by the host institution if
the schedule permits. These situations will be addressed on a case by case basis
in consultation with the ECA program officer and the host

g. How important it is to nominate a gender balanced group?

Very important! We strive to have the best possible diversity and
gender balance in the Institutes (except for Women's Leadership

h. Can a participant arrive early/late or stay after the Institute?

No. Participants who choose to travel to the United States on a Study
of the U.S. program are required to abide by the terms and conditions of the
program. These terms state clearly that student leaders may NOT arrive in the
United States before the program start date or remain in the country after the
close of the institute.

i. Can a graduate student participate in this

No. Study of the U.S. Institutes are designed exclusively for
undergraduate students.

j. Can a participant miss one part or component of the

No. All participants are expected to participate in all scheduled
lectures, events, site visits, trips, and activities.

k. How much money will participants need to bring for the program?

The Study of the U.S. Institutes cover all costs of an individual's
participation including transportation, lodging,and meals. Generally, host
institutions provide for meals through a combination of a cafeteria meal plan
and cash allowance to permit participants to cook or eat at local restaurants.
Information on housing and meal arrangements will be provided by the host
institution six weeks prior to the start of the Institute.Participants should
bring their own spending money if they wish to purchase souvenirs or other items
during their time in the United States.

l. My nominee participated in the English Access Microscholarship
Program; can he/she participate in this Institute?









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



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