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发表于 2005-4-30 09:30:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文: http://chinasigo.go.51.net

Constitution of Chengdu SIGO
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Principals
第一条 依据《中华人民共和国宪法》和有关规定制定本章程。
Item I The Constitution are made according to The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the laws and rules concerned.
第二条 成都学生国际绿色组, 英文名为:STUDENT INTERNATIONAL GREEN ORGANIZATION, 简称SIGO的名称符合国家法律、法规的规定。
Item II The name, STUDENT INTERNATIONAL GREEN ORGANIZATION(SIGO ) , accords with the laws and rules concerned of the country.
第三条 本协会是由拥有社会责任意识和共同兴趣爱好的学生自愿举办的联谊社团。
Item III The organization is an organized body of students who have an interest, an ideal and an actrivity in common.
第四条 后计划生育时代的社会老龄化问题,城市化进程中的环保问题以及新经济时代人与动物的关系问题,得到公众越来越多的关注。本社团遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,旨在为广大志同道合者提供一个关心社会的平台,通过会员的联谊,学习、讲演、调研以及身体力行,参加社会实践等活动,互通信息,共享资源,提高会员的综合素质,加强会员的社会责任感。本社团倡导通过从我做起,呼吁全社会一起来关爱老年人,保护我们生存的生态环境,积极探讨人与动物的关系。
Item IV More and more people are now showing solicitude for social problems, such as the ageing society in the time of Post Family Planning, the deteriorating entironment as urbanization goes on, the relationship between man and wildlife during the new economic era, etc. Abiding by the laws and rules, the organization aims to provide its members with a platform where they can do something for the society, on which the members get acquainted, have proseminars, give speeches, share information and gain makings of a social worker. The organization advocates for individual’s efforts, which is expected to impact his community and the people around him. Sigo appeals to the the whole society’s sense of loves of aged people, natural environment and wildlife.

第五条 如果必要,本单位的行政业务主管单位是成都市教育局,登记管理单位是成都市民政局,按照要求开展活动,接受业务指导和监督管理。
Item V If necessary, Sigo should be under the administration of Chengdu Educational Department and register in Chengdu Civil Administration Bureau.
第六条 本协会的发起地是成都市12中。发起人是高06届一班陈威霖。

Item VI Sigo has been initiated by Haomin Chen, one of the students in the first Senior High Science Experimental Class Of Chengdu No. 12 Middle School, who is due to leave in 2006
第二章 活动范围
Chapter II Territory
第七条 本社团在不影响正常学习和工作的前提下,利用课余、工余和假期以小组为单位开展活动。每周每一小组以沙龙的形式由一名组员就老龄化问题、环保问题和人与动物的关系在小组内发表专题演讲,汇编成册;小组通过社会调查,写出调查报告;组员从我做起,开展力所能及的社会公益活动,通过自己的实际行动,影响周围的人群;本社团拟将这种小组沙龙的形式推向成都之外,小组间通过网络进行交流、联谊。
Item VII On the premise of no deviating from the student educational purpose, Sigo functions in groups in spare time. By academic salon, once a week , where members in turn give speeches on a certain topic and the speeches are not only discussed among group members face to face, but by internet among all the members. By social survey, groups will write out their reports. All the paper work will be compiled for publication or communication. In particular, each member sets an example for the people around by respecting the elders, treasuring ecosystem and loving wildlife.
第三章 管理体系
Chapter III Administration

组织执委 财务执委 信息执委 策划执委

(Executive Council)
Organization Financial Affairs Information Masterminding
第八条 本组织实行执行委员会领导下的会长负责制。执行委员会是本组织的权利机构,每届一年。委员会由五人构成,设会长一名,执行委员四人,由会员和自愿参加的指导老师组成。首届执行委员会由举办人推选,届满可连选连任。执行委员会行使下列职权:
Item VIII Sigo is under the administration of its five-member Executive Council led by Chairman, who wins the annual election and can continue his duty at the expiration of his one-year term of office if he wins again. The Executive Council makes up of volunteers. The first Council members are nominated by the initiator. Their tour duty is also one year. The Executive Council officiate the following:
(一) 选举和解除社长;
1. to elect or dismiss Chairman
(二) 修改组织章程和制定组织的规章制度;
2. to rework on the Regulations and set down rules
(三) 制定发展规划,批准年度工作计划;
3. to make plans and approve the annual work
(四) 发展小组,指导和协调各小组工作,为会员提供帮助;
4. to expand the community, guide groups and help members.
(五) 决定其他重大事项。
1. 5. to decide anything else important 组织委员负责会员的管理,接纳吸收新的会员等日常事务; 6. Secretary of Organization is with responsibility for initiation, buildup and supervision. 财务委员负责协会的运作资金,包括社会募捐等事宜; 7. Secretary of Finance is with responsibility for financial affairs 信息委员负责协会的对外宣传,咨询服务,包括资料保管,文件汇编等; 8. Secretary of Information is with responsibility for propaganda, counseling, storage and compilation of paper work. 策划委员负责协会的运作走向,提出设想,经执委会同意后实施。 9. Secretary of Masterminding is with responsibility for planning and operating, visualization and actualization. 执行委员会每年至少召开两次会议,在会长或三分之一的执委认为有必要的情况下,可随时召开执行会议。 Item Nine Executive Council Meeting is held at least twice a year or it may be given at any time at request of Chairman or one third of other executives. 执行委员会设会长一名,为本单位的法定代表。 Item Ten Chairman, the member as of right, heads Executive Council 执行委员会委员都是本单位的副社长,副社长由社长推举,副社长协助会长工作,社长不能履行职权时,由任一副社长行使职权。 Item Eleven Other Executives are all vice chairpersons, nominated by Chairman. Any of them will succeed Chairman when Chairman fails in his province. 执行委员会议实行一人一票和按出席会议执委的人数,少数服从多数的原则,当赞成和反对票相等时,社长有权最后决定。 Item Twelve Any decision made submits to majority rule and Chairman has the last word while there is a deadlock. 召开执委会议,社长或其指定人将会议的内容、时间、方式等,提前通知执委。社长因故不能出席的,可书面委托其他副社长代为出席,委托书应载明授权范围。 Item Thirteen 出席执委会议的人数必须是全体人数的二分之一以上,会议决定必须超过出席人数的二分之一,通过的决议方可有效。当在职的执委人数为全体人数的二分之一时,本届执行委员会宣布解散,重新组建新的一届执行委员会。 Item Fourteen Any conclusion must be made by more than half members of the Council. When half members are out of duty, this council has been in dissolution. A new council will be set up. 出席会议的执委须在会议记录上签字,并对会议决议承担责任,会议记录由专人存档保管。 Item Fifteen Executives should sign in while attending a meeting, thus be responsible for a conclusion. Secretary of Information keeps the cahier in the archives. 社长行使下列职权: 召集和主持执委会议; 检查执委会决议的实施情况; 代表单位签署有关文件; 行使法律、法规和单位章程规定的其他权利, Item Sixteen Chairman should officiate the following to summon and preside Council Meetings to supervise and urge process of conclusions to subscribe documents on behalf of the association
2. to function in any other ways stated in the regulations and according to the laws.
第十七条 小组长由执委会任命,行使以下职权
(一) 主持小组每周一次的讲演、领导小组力所能及的社会公益活动;
(二) 接纳吸收新的会员并报告执行委员会;
(三) 组织实施小组年度业务活动计划并报告执行委员会;
(四) 收取和管理小组会费,和组员一起决定会费的使用。
Item Seventeen A group leader should be nominated by the Council and officiate the following,
1. to preside the weekly speech and lead in any commonweal activities in the group’s own power.
2. to admit new members and report to the council,
3. to organize and put the annual plan into exertion and report to the council,
4. to collect and keep membership fee of the group and discuss its usage among the group members.
第十八条 小组长必须履行以下义务:
(一) 坚持组织宗旨,服从执行委员会的领导,保证小组工作的纯洁性和连续性;
(二) 坚持平等、自觉自愿的原则,尊重组员的个人选择;
(三) 遵纪守法,接受上级部门及有关部门依法进行的督导评估和检查监督;
Item Eighteen Group leader should perform the following
1. to stick to Sigo’s tenet and submit to decisions of the council and assure the purity and continuity of the association’s work.
to defer to any individual choice of members on the basis of equality and free will to abide by the laws and rules, 第十九条 本组织的法定代表人的任免由执行委员会决议产生,如果必要,报请主管单位审批,登记管理机关核准。 Item Nineteen Appointing or removing the artificial person of the association is from the decision of the council meeting. If necessary, the authorities in charge will examine and approve the dicision. 入会条件和权利义务 Chapter Four Terms of Initiation and Obligations 第二十条 凡是承认本章程,自愿从我做起,尊重和关爱老人,保护环境,善待动物者, 不论年龄、性别、不分宗教、地域,都可以在就近的小组长处报名,成为本组织的会员。或者,一个人自己成为一个小组,成为本组织会员。 Item Twenty All those who accept the regulations, come forward to improve their words and deeds, respect and concern old people, treasure environment and love wildlife may sign up at the handy group leader and confirm the membership without reference to age, sex, race, religion or locus. When no group around available, he or she may be involved into a one-member group, which is authorized by the council on internet. 第二十一条 本组织的会员每三个月至少就自己熟悉的社会问题书面写出论文一篇,每半年至少应写出一篇社会调查一篇,每年应该写出年度个人工作情况汇报,在组织内部交流。会员应根据自己的实际情况,按月交纳会费。不能交纳会费的,应书面报告小组长,由小组长报告执行委员会。 Item Twenty-one A member is obliged to write on any social problem with which he is familiar at least once three months, on social survey once half a year and on annual work once a year to communicate among members. He is also ought to pay the monthly fee according to his financial status. Those who can not afford his fee may explain to his group leader or report to the council. 第二十二条 本组织的全体会员一律平等,互帮互学,互尊互敬,共同分享协会的资源。 Item Twenty-two All the members are equal. They should help and respect one another, sharing resources of the association. 运作资金管理 Chapter Five Financial Supervision 第二十三条 本组织运作资金由执行委员会筹措和会费构成。 执行委员会的资金来源由执委的会费和社会募捐,用于整个组织必要的文件制作、文件汇编、通讯费用、宣传费用和力所能及的社会公益活动。如果接受到社会赞助,执行委员会将根据国家有关法律规定建立严格的财务管理制度,保证会计资料的合法、真实、准确、完整。 小组的资金来源于会员的自愿会费, 用于小组内部的必要资料制作和力所能及的社会公益活动。 Item Twenty-three The operating fund of the association come from member’s fee and the money raised by the council. The council’s fund consists of council members’ fee and social contributions, which is spent in necessary documents making, communication, propaganda and commonweal activities. The council will establish a strict account according to laws and rules to ensure the accounts legal, true, nice and intact if any social contribution occurs The group fund is its member fee, which is spent on its activities in its power. 第二十四条 换届或更换法定代表人之前必须进行财务审计。 Item Twenty-four A financing audit is the must before the setup of a new council or the change of the member as of right. 第二十五条 本单位的资产管理,接受业务主管单位、财政部门的监督和自身的民主监督。 Item Twenty-five The organization’s capital is under the supervision of the authorities in charge, treasury department and the association’s own democracy.
第二十六条 本单位所有人员的工作都是无偿的,不谋求任何个人的利益。
Item Twenty-six Any work done by any member of the association is volunteer, and no one should buck for his own interests
第四章 规章制度
Chapter Six Bylaw
第二十七条 本单位基本的规章制度有:
1、 组织制度;
2、 会员行为规范;
3、 财务管理制度。
Item Twenty-seven The association’s basal bylaws are
1. The Organization System
2. Member’s Criterion
3. Financial Supervision
第五章 解散与终止
Chapter Seven Dissolution or Termination
第二十八条 本单位终止前,经在主管单位及有关机关指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不得开展清算以外的活动。
Item Twenty-eight Before dissolution or termination of the organization, the council will set up a special team to bring to account, dealing with creditor’s rights, debt and problems arising possibly.
第二十九条 本单位经主管单位审查同意,登记管理机关办理注销登记手续后即为终止。
Item Twenty-nine Dissolution or termination will be announced after reconfirmation of the authorities in charge and writing off at registering department.
第三十条 本单位的章程的修改,经单位执行委员会通过后15日内,经主管单位同意,报登记管理机关核准后生效。
Item Thirty Modification of the regulations will take effect in fifteen days with the approval of registering department after the council decision made.
第三十一条 本单位完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的,有执行会表决通过后,经主管单位审查同意,报登记管理机关核准。
Item Thirty-one When a logout is needed because of fulfilling its tenet, dissolution, schism, coalition or other reasons, the council will vote and pass a decision, which should be approved by the authorities in charge and the registering department.
第六章 附则
Chapter Eight Supplementary Articles
第三十二条 本章程经本单位执行委员会表决通过,报主管单位核准。
Item Thirty-two The regulations should be voted in the ccouncil meeting and authorized by the registering department
第三十三条 本章程的解释权属本单位的执行委员会。
Item Thirty-three The council has the full rights to explain the regulations.
第三十四条 本章程自登记机关予以登记之日起生效。
Item Thirty-four The regulations take effect on the registering day.

SIGO 的99个问题
Sigo’s 99 questions
There is an old population of over 130,000,000 in China and most of them have been forgotten by society. Second, there is a ubiquitous problem: dirty and messy, in towns and cities. And the pet-fever in China has caused a lot of social problems. As a green organization, Sigo is bound to do something. The council calls on all members to turn over to think about the following 99 questions and put individual efforts, which may be negligible, into the struggle of our community, into the cause of the whole society, which is sure to remove mountains.
1、 你多久和爷爷奶奶吃一次饭?
How often do you have dinner with your grandparents?
2、 你多久和爷爷奶奶通一次电话或联系一次?
How often do you telephone your grandparents?
3、 你多久看望爷爷奶奶一次?
How often do you visit your grandparents?
4、 你和爷爷奶奶有什么可聊的吗?
Do you have anything to talk with your grandparents?
5、 你的爷爷奶奶身体好吗?
How are your grandparents?
6、 你的爷爷奶奶的住房条件好吗?
What’s your grandparents’ housing condition like?
7、 你的爷爷奶奶靠什么生活?
What do your grandparents rely on for life?
8、 你的爷爷奶奶怎样打发一天的时光?
How do your grandparents spend daytime?
9、 你的父母多久和你的爷爷奶奶吃一次饭?
How often do your parents have dinner with your grandparents?
10、 你的父母多久和爷爷奶奶通一次电话或联系一次?
How often do your parents telephone your grandparents?
11、 你的父母多久看你的望爷爷奶奶一次?
How often do your parents visit your grandparents?
12、 你的父母和你的爷爷奶奶你的爷爷奶奶有什么可聊的吗?
Do your parents have something to talk with your grandparents?
13、 你的爷爷奶奶多久给你钱?多久一次?
Do your grandparents give you money? How often?
14、 你会给爷爷奶奶买礼物吗?多久一次?
Do you buy gifts for your grandparents? How often?
15、 你的父母会给你的爷爷奶奶买礼物吗?多久一次?
Do your parents buy gifts for your grandparents? How often?
16、 在公交车上,你会给老年人让座吗?
Do you offer your seat to the aged on a public vehicle?
17、 在街上和老年人目光接触时, 你会微笑吗?
Do you smile at them while eye-touching with the aged in the street?
18、 你有帮助陌生老年人的经历吗?
Have you had any experience in helping an old stranger?
19、 你和老年人吵过架吗?
Have you had any experience in wrangle with an old stranger?
20、 你羡慕过别人的爷爷奶奶吗? 为什么?
Do you admire others’ grandparents? Why?
21、 你自己的爷爷奶奶有意见吗? 为什么?
Do you have a complaint against your grandparents?
22、 你觉得现在老年人的生活好吗?为什么?
What do you think the life of the aged is like? Why?
23、 什么是老年人的“空巢综合征”?
What is the “Syndrome of Empty Nest” of the aged?
24、 你觉得社会上有歧视老年人的现象吗?
Do you think there is ageism in China?
25、 很多老年人为什么为沉溺某一项活动?
Why are the aged liable to indulge in a certain activity?
26、 很多老年人为什么沉默寡言?
Why do the aged tend to be taciturn?
27、 有可能让老年人根据自身特点做些对社会有益的工作吗?
Is it possible for the aged to do something in their power to the profit of society?
28、 有必要对老年人进行破除迷信的教育吗?
Is it necessary to reeducate the aged to break with fetish?
29、 现在老人在社会上受到尊重的标志是什么?
What makes an old person respected in society?
30、 在中国孝道需要重新发扬光大吗?
Is it necessary again to carry forward the Standards of Filial Piety of traditional Chinese culture?
31、 现在的中国无力为所有的老年人提供完整的社会福利吗?
Can China now be unable to provide the aged with a good welfare?
32、 在中国,谁应该对老年人承担主要责任?社会还是亲属?
Who should be mainly responsible for the aged in China, society or kinfolks?
33、 葬礼是人最后的尊严,什么样的葬礼对所有死者一律平等?
Man’s last dignity is at his funeral. What funeral is equal to all?
34、 没人看见时,你在公共场地随地吐痰吗?
Do you spit everywhere when not seen?
35、 没人看见时,你乱扔垃圾吗?
Do you litter when not seen?
36、 你会清理别人乱扔的垃圾吗?
Do you clear up the litter which is not scattered by you?
37、 倒垃圾时,你会给垃圾分类吗?
Do you classify rubbish before sending it to a dustbin?
38、 你认为是否需要一支扒垃圾大军的存在?
Is an army of junkmen necessary?
39、 看到公用水龙头在滴水,你会怎么办?
What will you do while seeing a public tap dripping?
40、 你总是遵守交通规则吗?
Do you always abide by traffic regulations?
41、 四下空无一人, 你会在红灯前止步吗?
Do you always stop before a red light even if there is no traffic at all?
42、 需要排队时,你总是遵循“先来后到”的原则吗?
Do you always keep the order of arrival when there is a queue?
43、 你会在公共场合大声喧哗吗?
Do you ever make a racket in public?
44、 你在公园里攀折过树枝或花朵吗?
Do you put down and break off twigs or flowers in a public garden?
45、 为抄近路,你践踏过草坪吗?
Do you ever trample a lawn for a shortcut?
46、 你有剩饭的情况吗?怎么处置的?
What do you do with the food you are unable to finish?
47、 你考虑过最大限度地利用你的学习用品吗?
Have you ever considered making the best use of your stationery?
48、 你购物时用什么装东西?塑料袋吗?
Do you use plastic bags while shopping?
49、 你会有意识地尽量避免使用塑料袋吗?
Do you always avoid using plastic bags?
50、 洗澡时,你会尽量缩短洗浴时间吗?
Do you shorten the time when have a shower or a bath?
51、 在餐馆用餐,如果可选择,你会选择一次性的筷子吗?
Do you prefer one-off chopsticks in a restaurant when you can choose?
52、 你会因为烧烤摊污染环境而拒绝吃烧烤吗?
Do you refuse to buy grills simply because street barbecue stands contaminate environment?
53、 你会阻止父母乱扔杂物吗?
Do you prevent your parents from littering?
54、 你会提醒父母、亲朋遵守公共秩序吗?
Do you remind your parents, relatives and friends to keep public order?
55、 采用4分制,1是很赃,4是很干净,你给你的家乡打几分?
What is it if you rate the cleanliness of your hometown on a scale of 1 to 2, 1 is very dirty and 4 is very clean?
56、 你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人吗?
Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment?
57、 你知道《京都议定书》吗?
Do you know Kyoto Protocol?
58、 你的老师经常向你提及环保问题吗?
Do your teachers often mention environmental protection?
59、 你知道中国哪些河流、湖泊和沿海都被污染了吗?
Do you know what rivers, lakes and offing in China have been polluted?
60、 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?
Do you know the actuality of water resource of China?
61、 你知道中国最大的咸水湖青海湖正濒临干枯吗?
Do you know Qinghai Lake, the largest salt water lake of China, is going dry?
62、 你知道中国可耕地有多少吗?
Do you know how much arable land there is in China?
63、 你知道什么每年有多少土地荒漠化吗?
Do you know how much arable land has been desolated?
64、 你知道什么是土壤吗?
Do you know what is productive soil?
65、 环境保护区应该限制什么样的旅游活动?
What kind of tourism should be restricted in a wildlife reserve?
66、 你赞成在自然保护区修公路吗?
Are you for building highways in a wildlife reserve?
67、 人为什么要占领所有的动植物领地?
Why does man occupy all the territories of wildlife?
68、 什么是生态均衡系统?
What is ecology?
69、 什么是自然?
What is nature?
70、 为什么要尊重自然?
Why must man respect nature?
71、 自然会惩罚人的贪婪吗?
Does nature punish man for his greed?
72、 为什么要珍视生命?
Why should we cherish a deep love for life?
73、 动物有知觉吗?植物呢?
Can animals feel? What about plants?
74、 什么是虐待动物?
How does man maltreat animals?
75、 人会虐待植物吗?
Does man maltreat plants?
76、 人以动植物食品为生,你的动植物食品安全吗?
Man lives on animals and plants. Is your food a safe one?
77、 什么是绿色食品?
What is green food?
78、 你看见过市场上的“点杀”动物吗?
Have you seen “point and kill” animals in the food market?
79、 人怎样合理利用动植物资源?
How should man make use of resources of animals and plants?
80、 用历史观点,人为什么要饲养动物?
Historically, why does man raise animals?
81、 用历史观点,人为什么要种植花草?
82、 Historically, why does man grow plants?
83、 养宠物就是保护动物吗?
Does keeping pets mean protecting animals?
84、 家养花草就是爱护生态吗?
Does potting plants means treasuring ecosystem?
85、 建立动物园是保护动物吗?
Do zoos protect animals?
86、 人在哪些方面把自己的意志强加给动植物?
In what ways does man impose his will upon animals and plants?
87、 你知道中国古人是怎样向动植物学习的吗?
Do you know how ancient Chinese leaned from animals and plants?
88、 你知道现代科学是怎样向动植物学习的吗?
Do you know what modern technology has learned from animals and plants?
89、 你同意“所有生命体都有自己独有的、优于别种的智慧”吗?
All beings are wise and each has its own that is different from and superior to that of another. Do you agree?
90、 大量的动物被遗弃了,家庭收养是好办法吗?
A great many of animals have been abandoned. Is family adoption a good idea?
91、 你认为有必要通过立法来规范宠物饲养吗?
Is it necessary to legislate to regulate pet-keeping?
92、 宠物应该享有什么权利?
What rights does a pet have?
93、 拯救濒危物种有什么意义?
What is the significance of retrieval of species in severe danger?
94、 黑市仍然有野味交易,你有品尝野味的经历吗?
There is still a meat trade of wildlife in the black market. Have you ever had any venison?
95、 你最了解的动物是什么?
What animal do you know best?
96、 你最了解的植物是什么?
What plant do you know best?
97、 你打算为你的家庭做些什么?
What are you going to do for your family?
98、 你打算为社会做些什么?
What are you going to do for society?
99、 在你的生命中,什么是你最珍贵的?
What is the most precious of yours now?

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OICQ 群 1064864
发表于 2005-4-30 09:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
强 中英文对照 我看花了眼睛
发表于 2005-4-30 10:08:02 | 显示全部楼层










发表于 2005-4-30 10:17:43 | 显示全部楼层
contact me: 13564257120 hutu7927@163.com










发表于 2005-4-30 14:25:51 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-14 17:21:19 | 显示全部楼层
   然后,游客接过种子的时候,你又需要麻烦他做另外一件事情了,让他签名,很多人对着签名的地方一指就完事了,这会给游客很不好的感觉,觉得你完成了发传单的任务就抛下他不管了,这就很不好了。因为这次活动人比较多,所以你应该把游客带到签名的地方,把笔给他,指引他在什么地方签名。如果活动人比较少呢,必须安排几个人在签名的地方接待,发传单的人在完成他的工作过后,应该给游客指明签名的地方,并且告诉他有人接待,这样游客才会满意地来签名。  最后游客签名完成了之后,一定不要忘记了说谢谢,这很重要。  这次活动的主要问题就是这些了,其他的都不错,那么综合上面提到的问题,下面就给大家一个比较标准的宣传过程,仅供参考。   首先,是准备工作,左手拿一叠宣传资料(不能是一两张),同时,在宣传资料的下面,左手还要拿着一支签名用的笔,右手拿着至少两包牵牛花的种子,靠在左手的宣传资料上,这是为了方便在发牵牛花种子的时候到处找,这样既不雅观又浪费时间。这是准备工作。











发表于 2006-10-14 18:32:18 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2006-10-14 19:38:14 | 显示全部楼层
西南民族大学环境保护与发展协会 [move]青藤家园 [/move] QQ:190062224 邮箱:mjc52@163.com








发表于 2006-10-15 02:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
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