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发表于 2005-5-5 15:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式










Guide Star, “Nonprofit Branding: Unveiling the Essentials”, Oct, 2004 http://www.guidestar.org/news/features/npo_branding.jsp
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 15:53:33 | 显示全部楼层
2004/9/6·喜玛拉雅基金会 高子景

「美国联合劝募(注1)的品牌价值超过英戴尔与迪士尼」、「美国公共传播服务协会(注2)的超过柯达与肯德基」,这是公益纪事报(The Chronicle of Philanthropy)新闻中报导关于越来越多大型公益团体请品牌顾问公司估算她们的品牌价值,但是估算出来的价值是否对于公益团体有真正的帮助,例如吸引到相对的捐款,就是见仁见智的问题了。


自20世纪末期,公益部门便不断地向商业部门学习行销方式,评估品牌价值表示公益部门的行销方式更趋向精致化,二个部门间的互动也从以前的「赞助者 ˉ 接受赞助者」演变成为合作夥伴关系,商业公司向公益团体寻求品牌形象加分效果。国际人性居住组织(注3)是个成功的案例,该组织估算出18亿的品牌价值之后,将所有的企业合作活动费用调高一倍,企业并不因此中断合作,结果该组织来自企业部门的收入从2002年的164亿,到2004年6月中年度结算为409亿。


显而易见,对大型公益团体而言,运用品牌价值来持续吸引企业捐助者,以及加强附属或结盟机构之间的认同感与共同行销能力,效果是可以预期的。美国联合劝募的品牌策略与行销执行副总Cynthia Round认为非营利组织比商业公司更需要知道组织品牌的财务影响力,因为非营利组织的主要资产不是产品,而是名声。

注1 美国联合劝募(United Way of America, UWA)成立的使命是帮助全美各地区联合劝募将有限的资源最大化并运用于社区服务上,在全美有约1400个地区性联合劝募参与运作。2002-03共募得44亿美元与超过1百万名志工参与组织工作。网址∶http://national.unitedway.org[ BACK ]

注2 美国公共传播服务协会(Public Broadcasting Service, PBS),1969年成立的非营利机构,提供精致电视节目给美国全国349家电视台,每周的观众高达1亿,2000年的总收入是16亿美元,外加观众的费用4亿五千万元。http://www.pbs.org[ BACK ]

注3 国际人性居住组织(Habitat for Humanity International)是一个在全球各地为无住屋者建造房屋的机构,1976联成立以来已经在100个国家建造17万间住屋,帮助了90万个人,预计到2005年可超过1百万人。网址∶http://www.habitat.org [ BACK ]

Holly Hall, \"What's in a Charity's Name?\", The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Aug. 5, 2004.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 15:54:33 | 显示全部楼层

Nonprofit Branding: Unveiling the Essentials

An organization's greatest asset is its brand. Branding is the process of creating a clear, consistent message about your organization, so that when people see your logo or hear your name, they'll think of your mission and programs in terms you have defined. I.e., the way you want them to.

In graduate school recently, I drew on 18 years' practical experience in marketing to look at nonprofits and branding. I found that nonprofits devote little time, energy, and care to branding, and that they generally relegate this process to a lower-level functionary.

The reason why is readily apparent: daily responsibilities and thin resources give nonprofit executives little time for the reflection that effective brand management requires. The purpose of this article is to help busy nonprofit managers by distilling the essentials of branding in a simple and concise fashion.

Four Steps

Define your overall brand perception today.
Step back and view your organization through the eyes of a potential donor. What do people see as your organization's mission? What do they think are its most important activities? How do they define your goals? If you don't like what you see, it's time to roll up your sleeves and evaluate every facet of your brand.

Describe your goal for your brand.
Every organization should ask itself, \"What is the one thing that we do better than anyone else?\" To be a meaningful brand, your cause must be a first—a new category, approach, or service that hasn't been exploited.

My master's thesis focused on a nonprofit organization that had many competitors in a crowded market space. What set them apart was that they were a fully functioning village. The organization slowly shifted its brand perception from a decentralized rescue mission to a community that integrates a variety of functions (meals, shelter, education, behavior enhancement, hope, etc.) under one roof. This concept has the potential to become a powerful new brand position in the local community, one whose attributes are easily recognizable and unique.

Create a plan to reach the brand goal.
This step bridges the gap between the current perception of your brand and your brand goal. As with any planning process, a series of activities that culminate in a brand shift takes time and patience. Great brands are not invented overnight; achieving them requires careful planning and attention to detail. A brand that lives on in the mind of each donor must be developed through years of message layering. One Super Bowl ad just won't cut it!

Make the brand live throughout your organization.
Finally, the key to successful branding is top-down commitment and involvement. The greatest stumbling block to achieving a brand goal lies in its execution; most plans are written and then collect dust on the shelf. Brand planning requires daily attention for progression and change to occur.

Once your brand is defined, every facet of your organization should be centered on that mission. Aside from the change in external messages, a separate campaign to inform, educate, and acquire buy-in from everyone associated with your nonprofit is essential. In order for the new brand perception to be realized, it can't be the latest management fad—it needs to reside in the hearts and minds of every single board member, paid employee, and volunteer! My research indicates that monthly, weekly, and even daily meetings are needed to ensure that a consistent message is delivered and acted on.


The four essentials of branding provide nonprofits with a structure from which to reflect on their own brand processes. All brands should be re-evaluated continuously to ensure that the message and delivery of services support each other. Analyzing the present perception of your brand and projecting a future brand goal lead naturally into the planning process. Integrating the entire organization into the execution of the plan is critical for realizing the brand promise.

Bill Nissim, October 2004
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