把握機會 實現能源夢想
中電創新能源基金旨在加深市民對可再生能源及能源效益的認識,以及推廣兩者的應用。今年,中電將再度撥出100萬港元資助創新的社區能源項目,贊助金額由1萬至25萬港元不等。申請表格可於中電網頁 www.clpgroup.com 下載,或以書面傳真至 26788361 索取。截止日期為2007年10月19日。
日期: 2007年9月14日(星期五)
時間: 下午3時30分
地點: 九龍尖沙咀街坊福利會
地址: 九龍彌敦道136號A
費用: 全免
如欲查詢,請致電 26788820 或電郵 eiprojects@clp.com.hk
Dear Friends,
Grasp The Chance
To Make Your Energy Dream Come True
The CLP Energy Innovation Fund is now opened for application. Don't miss this chance to make your energy dream come true and join our hands to create a sustainable future!
CLP Energy Innovation Fund aims to promote awareness of renewable energy and energy efficiency and their applications in Hong Kong. This year, the Fund will continue to allocate a total of HK$1 million to support innovative community projects in a range of HK$10,000 to HK$250,000. Application forms are available at CLP website www.clpgroup.com or upon request by fax at 26788361. Deadline of application is 19 October 2007.
Please come and join us at the briefing to learn more about the details of the Fund, application procedures, and to share the results of the awarded projects.
Date: 14 September 2007 (Friday)
Time: 3:30pm
Venue: Tsim Sha Tsui Community Hall
Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association
Address: 136A Nathan Road, Kowloon
Admission: Free
For enquiry, please call 26788820 or email eiprojects@clp.com.hk
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
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<<CLP EI Fund Leaflet.pdf>> <<CLP EI Fund Poster.pdf>> <<CLP EI Fund Application Form.doc>>
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Website: http://www.clpgroup.com |