Deadline for submission 15 July 2008
What is the Kenton Miller Award
The award is granted annualy by IUCN's WCPA. The US$ 5000 stipend and certification are presented at a major conservation event. This year the event will be the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, Spain
The Kenton R. Miller Award will recognize individuals who have clearly demonstrated innovation in relation to protected areas. Specifically, it will recognize persons who have developed and applied innovative policies, scientific knowledge, technologies, field practice or governance that hold promise to significantly increase the potential for sustainability of protected areas with demonstrable impact at local, national, or international levels.
How to nominate an awardee
To nominate someone for the award please fill in the form below and send it to delwyn.dupuis@iucn.org
Nominees will be identified and proposed by individuals related to protected areas management, education or science. Nominees cannot apply for themselves.
Their innovation will fall within or any combination of the following categories:
Planning and Management;
Finance and Economics;
Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation;
Learning and Capacity Building; and,
Ideally, nominees will be currently employed by an organization that is involved with protected area management, associated education or research. The organization can be public, private, NGO or community-based;
The impact of his/her innovation can be demonstrated and have been recognized and endorsed by peers at the local, national, and/or international level;
Nominees will have a minimum of 5 years associated with protected area experience;
While preference will be given to members of WCPA, non-member candidates will be considered;
The Award will give preference to candidates that may not have been previously recognized internationally for their innovation;
The Award will not cover recognition for life-time service to protected areas, or for bravery in their defense (for these merits please refer to the IUCN/WCPA Packard Award).
Selection Process:
The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, through the office of the Chair will solicit nominations for the Award. The Award, its purpose and associated eligibility criteria will be announced in the WCPA newsletter and Website, the IUCN Bulletin, and other cooperating conservation organizations. Nomination forms will be available for downloading from the WCPA Website or by request to the Protected Area Programme Office at IUCN Headquarters. There, the closing date for submission of nominations will be posted.
The WCPA Chair will establish a Selection Committee each year to examine the nominations gathered by a posted closing date. This Committee will identify the five (5) most noteworthy candidates. Members of this Committee will include representatives from IUCN/WCPA and other conservation organizations, the Head of IUCN’s Protected Areas Programme, and Dr. Kenton Miller as advisor. An independent Award Jury, consisting of three world-recognized conservation leaders that are not members of IUCN/WCPA, will be established each year by the WCPA Chair to analyze the three finalists, and select the single winning awardee for that calendar year.
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