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发表于 2011-6-21 13:07:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy,TNC)成立于1951年,总部设在美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市,是国际上最大的非政府、非赢利性的自然环境保护组织之一.协会的一百多万会员遍布美国各州,近4千名员工参与管护总面积达600万公顷的1600多个自然保护区.在拉美、加勒比海、亚太地区,以及非洲的30余个国家,协会与合作伙伴一起保护着超过4,700万公顷的生物多样性热点地区和长度达8,000公里的河流.目前协会在亚太区的保护工作涉及中国、澳大利亚、密克罗尼西亚联邦、印度尼西亚、巴布亚新几内亚、帕劳群岛,和所罗门群岛等. 为了更有力地推进TNC在中国和蒙古两国的自然保护项目,加强与中国和蒙古两国政府、环保组织、企业界以及社会各方面合作伙伴的积极有效的合作,TNC总部决定于2008年10月在北京设立"大自然保护协会(TNC)北亚区办公室 ".北亚区未来将覆盖以中国、蒙古为中心的、与生物多样性保护直接关联的俄罗斯东部、哈萨克斯坦和湄公河下游国家和地区. TNC的愿景是我们期望一个拥有健康的森林、草地、沙漠、河流和海洋的世界,一个珍视自然系统与人类生活质量关联性的世界,一个所有生物赖以生存的环境可以世代长存的世界.协会的目标是与合作伙伴携手,到2015年,确保地球上每种主要生境类型的至少10%的区域得到有效保护. TNC提供有竞争力的薪筹体系来吸引、留住、激励和回报高绩效的员工. 关于TNC详细信息,请访问TNC总部网站www.nature.org 。关于TNC中国部详细信息,请访问中文网站www.tnc.org.cn.

JOB FAMILY: Conservation

·         BA/BS degree and 5 years experience in conservation practice or equivalent combination of education and experience.
·         Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including staffing, workloads, and finances under deadlines.
·         Experience in written and verbal communication.
·         Supervisory experience.
For specific positions, all advertisements must include actual qualifications (modified from the basic qualifications in the generic job descriptions). In addition, it must be ascertainable from the resumes whether or not candidates possess the basic qualifications.

The Program Director I directs some or all aspects of protection, science, stewardship and community relations for a region within an Operating Unit. S/he serves as the principle contact to government agencies, other conservation organizations, foundations and the academic community.  Geographic size and scope is larger than a preserve and smaller than an OU, or overseeing one or more components of the Conservation function for an entire OU. This may include one or more of the following functions:
·         Establishes the Conservancy as a major conservation partner within the area of responsibility
·         Defines conservation priorities in the area of responsibility
·         Leads and manages team which supports and improves conservation efforts
·         Builds strategic, scientific, and technical capacity in the field
·         Develops key partnerships with public and private organizations in order to identify and resolve technical issues and to widely communicate solutions and best practices
·         Develops innovative scientific methods, analyses, tools and frameworks to address the natural system needs
·         Engages local community support for local conservation efforts
·         Negotiates complex and innovative solutions with government agencies and landowners to conserve and protect natural communities
·         Develops and implements conservation Business plans, strategies, and projects
·         Develop concept paper and proposals for fundraising purpose
·         Coordinate fundraising relevant activities in Yunnan

·         BA/BS degree and 5-7 years experience in conservation practice or equivalent combination of education and experience
·         Demonstrated experience influencing, developing and implementing conservation policy and plans
·         Knowledge of current trends and practices in relevant discipline(s) and regions
·         Developing practical applications of scientific concepts and technical innovations for conservation purposes
·         Knowledge of methods and standards of biodiversity information systems and initiatives
·         Motivating team members, setting goals, and leading efforts
·         Delivering practical, adaptable products and services to customers
·         Knowledge of politics and society with respect to environmental affairs
·         Managing time and diverse activities under deadlines while delivering quality results
·         Communicating clearly via written, spoken, and graphical means in English and other relevant languages
·         Demonstrated experience in fundraising
·         Successful experience in developing, directing and managing multiple projects.
·         Demonstrated supervisory experience, including the ability to motivate, lead, set objectives and manage performance.
·         Successful experience in partnership development (partners, community, government, etc); political savvy.
·         Proven interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills.

·         Diagnoses complex problems and identifies creative solutions
·         Interprets guidelines, evaluates information, and modifies processes to adapt to changing circumstances
·         Manages and prioritizes tasks from multiple sources
·         Designs, implements, and directs complex and diverse projects, encompassing multiple programs and coordinating the work of other professionals, inside and outside the organization. Incorporates cross-disciplinary knowledge to support program objectives
·         Negotiates complex agreements, sometimes in political environments
·         Develops and implements creative ideas to improve overall performance in conservation strategies
·         Formulates, evaluates, and decides broad organizational policies and long-term programs

·         Ensures program accountability and legal compliance
·         Assesses decisions’ potential impact on colleagues’ work, public image, scientific credibility and financial and legal standings
·         Makes decisions based on incomplete or ambiguous information and accepts associated risks
·         Makes independent strategic decisions frequently based on analysis, experience and judgment
·         Makes strategic decisions based on analysis, experience and judgment.

·         Manage multi-disciplinary administrative and professional staff, with responsibility for performance management, training and career development. Establish clear directions and set stretch objectives.
·         Responsible for operating within budget guidelines to ensure sound financial performance. Develop and administer departmental budget and has authority to modify budget based on changing circumstances.
·         Establish and maintain optimal standards of performance for the department or program while controlling costs and administering budgets.
·         Responsible for ensuring that public and private funds are raised to meet program needs.
·         Develops long-term strategies and achieves strategic goals and objectives
·         Builds cooperation from outside parties to accomplish program goals

·         Builds cooperative relationships and collaborates with diverse groups, including land owners, conservation partners, government officials, donors, board members, and the general public, to recruit support for the Conservancy and publicize Conservancy efforts
·         Commands attention, changes tactics midstream as necessary, and manages group processes during presentations or discussions
·         May speak with and in front of varied audiences on scientific topics and the Conservancy’s mission
·         Ability to establish excellent working relationships with outside partners, state/local/federal agencies, land managers, private landowners and the academic community.
·         Work effectively in high-tension situations and maintain composure under pressure. Diffuses high-tension situations comfortably
·         Work and communicate effectively with a diverse group of people, including scientists, preserve staff, and others, providing and obtaining needed information.
·         Ability to articulate lessons learned regarding conservation initiative successes and failures
·         Ability to simplify and explain complex scientific data to general audiences

The Program Director I may work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain, and under physically demanding circumstances. These conditions may:
·         require occasional physical exertion and/or muscular strain
·         present occasional possibility of injury
·         require long hours in isolated settings
This position may also:
·         require frequent travel domestically and/or internationally
·         require evening and weekend hours

To apply for this position, please send your cover letter and resume in both English and Chinese to hrchina@tnc.org by June 28, 2011.

The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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