- 将环境与健康纳入国家发展策略:在“十二五”和主体功能区规划中的体现
- 不同维度的环境与健康数据、指标和风险评估
- 工业污染及其健康影响:关注重金属污染以及在各省的多学科研究案例
- 城市固体废弃物管理
- 食品安全(待定)
由于参会人数有限,请尽早在FORHEAD网站报名(www.forhead.org)。如您希望在会上做与上述主题相关的研究报告,请在 2011年9月15日之前与会议组织者联系(forhead@forhead.org<mailto:forhead@forhead.org>)。
FORHEAD Annual Conference 2011
The Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD) will hold its 3rd Annual Conference in Beijing from 2-4 November, 2011. As in the past, the conference will include presentations by researchers in the natural, medical and social sciences on a range of environment and health issues related to development. Participants will be invited from academia, government agencies and NGOs. This year’s panels will include:
- Integrating environment and health into national development policy: the 12th Five Year Plan and regional economic planning initiatives
- Data and indicators for measuring health, environment and development at different scales
- The health impacts of industrial pollution, with a focus on heavy metal pollution, including multidisciplinary case studies from different provinces
- Municipal solid waste management
- Food safety (tbc)
As space will be limited, please register for the meeting at www.forhead.org<http://www.forhead.org/>. If you wish to present a paper on a topic related to one of the panels, please contact the conference organizers at forhead@forhead.org<mailto:forhead@forhead.org> by September 15 2011.
LIU Xiaofang
Program Assistant
China Environment and Health Initiative
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
11A Datun Road, Room 3701
Beijing, 100100 P.R China
0086-10-64888247 |