楼主 |
发表于 2012-12-28 17:43:51
APOLOGIES in English.
→Given without any excuses (No little "stories" or reasons given) 做错了事情不要找借口,所以道歉只是表达歉意,不是为自己开脱
→Given frequently to any and all others. 不要觉得道歉没面子或者不好意思,人生在世,不过就是不断的给别人添麻烦和别人给自己添麻烦的过程罢了
→Given in different styles according to the level of severity of the offense.根据事件的严重程度用不同的语句表达歉意程度的不同
→Accepted gracefully.
To accept an apology:
"Thank you." "That's alright."(用于small apology)
" Furget it." (中等程度)"OK." "I understand."(下沉语气)这两个是用于比较严重的状况,涉及到钱或爱的状况下,比如不小心泄露公司机密、惹恼了女朋友、损坏了别人的贵重物品之类的~所以,这两句一般是boss对下属说,或者恋人之间说
However, Not "It doesn't matter", "No problem" or "Sure".
Minor/Trivial offenses.
# Excuse me. # Pardon me.
# Oh, I'm sorry. # I really didn't mean that.
# Hey, I'm sorry about that.
# Are you OK?/ Is everything OK?
# I was really clumsy/careless, I'm sorry.把咖啡洒在别人衣服上之类的小状况~
Major/Serious offenses.
# Oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done/said that.
# Please forgive me, I was definitely wrong/mistaken.
# There's no excuse, I don't know what I was think. I'm fully/terribly sorry.
Apologies in English are about acception responsibility NOT about "saving face".
For next week:
Do you have any geographical preference as to where you're employed following your graduation?
以及,tom很推荐我们去西北~很多公司在西北有岗位,tom说,他们不会永远把你放在西北的,等你从西北回来,就可以轻易的进入公司在北上广的管理层~ |