联合国世界青年环境大会(UNEP Tunza International Youth Conference)始于2003年,前身为联合国环境署的世界青年论坛。大会每两年举行一次,前两届分别在俄罗斯的杜伯纳和印度的班加罗尔举行,今年的会议将于八月底在德国的勒沃库森召开,主题为“性别与环境、贫困与环境、可持续生产消费与环境”,欢迎中国的青年朋友踊跃报名。
·报名的截止日期为2月28日,向NEAYEN-CHINA NFP的报名日期机制为2月25日。
National Focal Point:自然之友
张 赫赫(zhanghehe@fon.org.cn )
张 伯驹(zhangboju@fon.org.cn )
The Tunza International Youth Conference, previously called the UNEP Global Youth Forum, is a key activity of UNEP's long-term youth strategy. It has been organized since 1985 for young people (15-24 years) to learn from one another and share experiences and ideas on community-based environmental actions. It has provided opportunities for youth to develop joint strategies on promoting environmental protection.
The 2003 Tunza International Youth Conference was the first international youth environment event since the World Summit on Sustainable Development, WSSD (Johannesburg, 2002). It was also the first UNEP youth event since the adoption of the TUNZA Strategy by the Governing Council in February 2003. That particular Conference, therefore, provided a unique opportunity for young people to take stock of the outcomes of WSSD and review their role in the UNEP long term strategy for young people.
Before that, the last global conference by UNEP for youth was held in March 2002 in Denmark. It was used as a youth preparatory process for the WSSD.
The TUNZA International Youth Conference is one of the main platforms for cooperation and interaction between UNEP and its youth partners. It is the vision of the organization to "foster a generation of environmentally conscious citizens who will better influence decision-making processes and act responsibly to create a sustainable world". The TUNZA conference 2005 follows in the footsteps of the 2003 TUNZA conference in Dubna, Russia. Prior to the adoption of the TUNZA strategy by the UNEP Governing Council in 2003, UNEP had organized environmental Global Youth Forums for young people.
About the UNEP TIYC 2007
The TUNZA conference 2007 follows in the footsteps of the 2005 TUNZA conference in Bangalore, India. Before the adoption of the TUNZA strategy by the UNEP Governing Council in 2003, UNEP had been organizing Global Youth Forums for young people from 15 to 24 years since 1986. These gatherings of environmentally active youth are an important element in realizing the "vision of the organization to foster a generation of environmentally conscious citizens who will better influence decision-making processes and act responsibly to create a sustainable world".
A number of workshops, plenary sessions, focused group discussions, field trips as well as panel discussions will take place. Furthermore, a new TUNZA Youth Advisory Council with two advisors for each of the six UNEP regions and two advisors representing indigenous youth organizations will be elected by the participants.
Nomination Criteria
For candidates to be considered their birthdates must fall strictly between 26 August 1983 and 26 August 1992.
Candidates must be nominated by their anizations and must be active members.
Only nominations from organizations working on or interested in environmental and sustainable development issues will be considered.
Each nomination must have two candidates - one female and one male. But only one of them will be elected (Please note that applications will not be considered unless the above is fulfilled).
All nominations must reach UNEP on or before 28 February 2007.
Partners for Youth and Environment,UNEP&Bayer
neayen@gmail.com |