亲爱的朋友, 您好:
值此春意盎然之时, 我们诚挚邀请您参加中国发展简报举办的中国公民社会现状论坛,论坛将于2013年3月26日在北京美国中心举行。本次论坛将是一次中国草根非政府组织与有志于推动、支持中国公民社会发展的国际、国内合作伙伴共聚一堂、增进了解的很好机会。本次论坛将提供中英双语同声传译服务。我们衷心希望您能够出席,分享自己的经验, 感受中国社会发展领域的10年变迁。
特别感谢英国驻华使馆、中国扶贫基金会、加拿大基金、德国宝马基金会以及美国大使馆北京美国中心的慷慨支持, 使得本次论坛得以顺利举行。
由于本次论坛场地有限, 请您务必在3月13日之前填写回执, 并发送到邮箱:abrowninz@gmail.com 确定您的出席。
英语:Amanda Brown-Inz 18710054255
汉语:任广阔 13681547226
Dear friends and colleagues,
China Development Brief would like to invite you to participate in our State of Chinese Civil Society Forum, to be held at the Beijing American Center on March 26th, 2013. The forum will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together Chinese grassroots NGOs and a wide variety of international and Chinese organizations interested in supporting the development of Chinese civil society. The forum will be conducted in both Chinese and English, with simultaneous interpretation provided. We hope that you will be able to attend, to share your own experiences and learn about exciting developments in the field.
Attached, please find a tentative agenda featuring more information about the event, and an RSVP form. Confirmation is required in order to attend, so please return this form to abrowninz@gmail.com by Wednesday, March 13th. Space is limited, so please do not forward this invitation to others. Thanks so much for your support.
Contact information:
English: Amanda Brown-Inz 18710054255
Chinese: 任广阔 13681547226
Yours sincerely,
ZHANG Gengrui
Legal Representative and Managing Director
China Development Brief
English edition: www.chinadevelopmentbrief.cn
Chinese edition: www.cdb.org.cn
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