作者:cccf 来源:cccf 类别:活动看板
日期:2005.05.06 今日/总浏览: 9/10
Date 日期: 8th May 2005
Time 时间: 7pm
Venue 地点: Beijing New Art Project 北京新锐艺术计划
(Dashanzi Art Dictrict, 798 Factory, Beijing)
Movie 电影: 1. 金边之边 On the Edge of... 导演Dir:陈宝珣 Chan Bo-shun 40m
2. 有人高兴有人愁 Happy Ever After? 导演Dir:陈宝珣Chan Bo-shun 20m
After Screening Seminar讲座: Labour, Globalization and WTO 劳工,世贸,和第六次世贸会议
Speakers: 李涛 Li Tao ( 协作者劳工组织 Communication Center For Cultural Facilitators)
梁佩风Phoenix Leung (香港乐施会Oxfam Hong Kong)
周勍 Zhou Qin (社会研究学者 Sociologist)
Globalization? WTO? Migrants? Terms so wide spoken yet few of us care to explore its meaning and the stories behind. In fact, the impacts of globalization and WTO are not at all far away, in every corner of our life we are confronted with them-migrants, trade, agricultural products, medicine.... So clear and present, we should not remain ignorant- especially the coming WTO conference will be held in Hong Kong on December. The screening and seminar aim at exploring the impact of globalization and WTO on China. Phoenix Leung from Hong Kong will discuss the impact of WTO agreement on developing countries, Li Tao from CCCF will talk about the situation of migrants in China, and Zhou Qin on hukou system. The screening is a collaboration between Artists- Shu Yang, Ko Siu Lan, Gao Brothers and NGOs-Oxfam Hong Kong and CCCF.
查询 Enquiries: cccf: 86219405
Shu Yang 13701083673
Gao Brothers 13901243437
电影介绍 About the movie
金边之边 On the Edge of... 导演Dir:陈宝珣Chan Bo-shun 制作Pro:乐施会Oxfam Hong Kong 香港HK 2002 彩色Col Video 40mins 广东话对白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Modern capital leads a nomadic life. This time it settles down in the Mekong Basin. At dawn when the tropical sun rises in Phnom Penh, an army of women garment workers marches upstream along the Mekong River towards the industrial plants. Investors from mainland China hold the stick to this cheap and docile workforce. Thanks to them, brands from Europe and the United States are able to reap handsome profits again this year. Women workers flock from various places to Phnom Penh to sell their labour. Many will pay bribes for the chance. The "lucky" ones work non-stop in factories for long hours. Those who are unable to stand the grinding 18-hour workdays in high temperatures get sick and are punished. Outside the factories, even worse dangers lurk in the nights of Phnom Penh. Back at home in rural areas, the women's parents are working hard to till the land only to find themselves in deepening debt. The door of Cambodia is now wide open. Is it bringing prosperity? Can people keep the wolf from the door any longer?
有人高兴有人愁 Happy Ever After? 导演Dir:陈宝珣Chan Bo-shun 动画Animation:Jetpack + Yan + Yen + Honkaz 制作Pro:乐施会Oxfam Hong Kong 香港HK 2002 彩色Col Video 22 min 广东话对白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
While many developing countries are lining up for World Trade Organisation (WTO) membership, they may in the end find themselves subscribing to trade rules that are loaded against the poor. While globalisation is hailed by many as good for the poor, free trade is not as 'free' as claimed. Opening up markets, a policy prescribed by the World Bank/ IMF, is not a panacea for all developing countries. The result may be just the opposite: an influx of cheap foreign goods, loss of livelihood for farmers, and unaffordable medicine prices. Can we really leave every thing to the invisible hand of the market? Who are the winners, who are the losers? What do we trade for? So, we have to “Make Trade Fair”
About the Director: Chan Bo-shun was a TV Documentary Producer from 1991-2000. His previous film The Village of Acres (2001) was shown at the Hong Kong International Film Festival 2001 and International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam 2001. |