Call for Applications 2008 Conservation Leadership Programme Awards
Deadline 23rd November 2007
The Conservation Leadership Programme (formerly the BP Conservation Programme) is pleased to announce the call for applications for 2008 CLP Team Awards. The deadline for all applications is 23 November 2007, and awards will be announced in March 2008.
We are accepting applications from the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey and Venezuela.
For details, eligibility criteria, guidelines and an application form, please visit our website.
CLP awards aim to contribute to long-term conservation in priority areas by encouraging and engaging potential leaders in biodiversity conservation. It also provides individuals with practical skills and experience to work in the conservation field. This partnership initiative, which includes BirdLife International, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, the Wildlife Conservation Society and BP, has been helping young conservationists across the world to achieve their goals for more than 17 years. The programme offers awards, training and advisory services.
Awards are offered in the following categories:
Future Conservationist Awards: Approximately 20 awards of up to $12,500 each.
Conservation Follow-up Awards: Approximately 5 awards of up to $25,000 each. (Available only to previous CLP/BPCP award winners from any country.)
Conservation Leadership Awards: 2 awards of $50,000 each. (Available only to previous CLP/BPCP award winners from any country.)
Successful applicants need to:
1.) Develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of team members
2.) Implement a focused, high-priority conservation project combining research and action
3.) Contribute to the long-term success of local conservation efforts
4.) Contribute to the education and awareness of local stakeholders.
All teams submitting an application will receive feedback on their proposal. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a member of the CLP staff before the application deadline for advice and/or input on their proposal. Staff members can help teams determine if their project fits within the specified criteria, offer advice on methods and project activities, and put teams in touch with local partner offices or other experts who can provide additional advice.
Once the awards are granted, a representative from each winning team will be invited to attend an international training event organised by the CLP to share ideas and develop skills, knowledge and contacts. Additional training will also be offered for the entire team in relevant and specific technical skills. Additionally, winning teams are able to access experts from each of the five partner organisations as well as past winners.
Have additional questions or need advice? Send an email to clp@birdlife.org or visit our website: www.ConservationLeadershipProgramme.org. |