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发表于 2007-12-29 09:56:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
联合国秘书长潘基文在巴厘岛会议讲话Imelda V. Abano

[印度尼西亚 巴厘岛] 各国政府达成了一项为期两年的“路线图”,它将让各国在2012年达成新的气候变化条约取代《京都议定书》。


《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书长Yvo de Boer在会议上说:“我们现在有了路线图,有了议程、也有了最后期限。但摆在我们面前的是一项巨大的任务,同时我们用以达成合约的时间实在是太短了,因此需要我们赶快行动了。”



美国反对提出这样一个目标,因为他们并不想该路线图预先就决定了后京都议定书框架谈判的结果,诸如加拿大、日本等其他国家都有着同一立场。 然而,他们在最终报告删除具体的数据之后达成妥协,该最终报告提到发达国家到2050年应减排到现在的一半。

联合国秘书长潘基文接受SciDev.Net记者采访时说:“该路线图向达成解决气候变化威胁的公约迈进了一步 。”潘基文说,所有的国家应该开始对重要的挑战特别要采取适当的措施,转让技术并反对乱砍滥伐。

批准联合国气候变化适应基金是该合约一个重要的部分(详见 联合国批准气候变化适应基金)。







Bali 'roadmap' paves way to address climate change

[BALI] Countries have agreed a two-year 'roadmap' leading to a new climate treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol in 2012.

After two weeks of negotiations at the UN Framework on Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) last week (14 December), 187 countries agreed to the strategy for future climate talks. These will culminate with a final agreed protocol at the UNFCCC to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2009.

"We now have a roadmap, we have an agenda and we have a deadline. But we also have a huge task ahead of us and time to reach agreement is extremely short, so we need to move quickly," said Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UNFCCC, at the conference.

The roadmap outlines key issues to be negotiated.

Nations agreed that action is necessary to adapt to the negative consequences of climate change, such as droughts and floods.

A sticking point was whether or not the roadmap should call for developed nations to cut carbon emissions to 25–40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The United States had opposed the mention of such a target, on the grounds that they did not want the roadmap to predetermine the outcome of the negotiations on a post-Kyoto framework — a position shared by other countries such as Canada and Japan.

However, they compromised after specific figures were dropped from the final text — it now says developed countries should reduce emissions by at least half by 2050.

"The roadmap that has been agreed is a step toward an agreement that can address climate change risks to our planet," UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon told SciDev.Net.

All nations should begin to address key challenges particularly on adaptation measures, transfer of technology and combating deforestation, Ban said.

Approval for the UN Adaptation Fund (see UN approves climate change adaptation fund) was a key part of the agreement.

Governments also agreed to kick-start a strategic programme to scale up investment for the transfer of both adaptation and mitigation technologies to developing countries.

The programme aims to create a better environment for investment in the sector, such as providing incentives to the private sector for technology transfer. The Global Environment Facility will look to establish this programme with help from the private sector.

The mandate of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer will be extended for a further five years. The Group was asked to pay particular attention to the assessment of gaps and barriers to the use and access of financial resources.

They will also begin working on performance indicators that can be used to regularly monitor and evaluate progress on the development, deployment and transfer of environmentally sound technologies.

Elsewhere in the roadmap parties agreed to develop a work programme to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The programme will look into assessments of changes in forest cover and associated greenhouse gas emissions, and methods to estimate, and demonstrate, reductions of emissions from deforestation.

The size limit for small-scale reforestation projects will be doubled to 16 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide per year, to enable more projects to qualify for the UN clean development mechanism (CDM) and allow many more countries to take part.

The possible inclusion of carbon capture and storage as a CDM activity was also discussed for the first time. Parties agreed to formulate a workplan for this — to be taken further in 2008.

They also agreed to extend the mandate of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, which provides critical advice on the adaptation needs of developing countries.

2007年12月28日16:24 来源:科学与发展网络 (SciDev.Net)(责任编辑:马丽)
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