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Weekly News Digest Climate Change in China August 4 – 12











发表于 2008-8-25 23:39:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Weekly News Digest
Climate Change in China
August 4 – 12, 2008

International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE)
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Washington, DC 20037
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Email ifce-adm@cox.net
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China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN)
8-301 Jingshudongli, Haidian District
Beijing, China 100083
Web: http://www.cycan.org
Email: cycanoffice@gmail.com

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The Olympic City Presents Clean-Energy Passenger Trains
China Economic Net, 8/4/08

On August 4, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) presented to the Beijing Olympic Committee and the Environmental Protection Bureau four passenger trains run by clean energy resources. Sponsored by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the trains will carry athletes and journalists to various stadiums and to the Olympic Village during the Games. After the Games, these vehicles will be incorporated into the existing public transportation system and promote further development of clean-energy public transportation.These are Beijing's first attempt to use lithium batteries, which are protected under the intellectual property rights. With each charge, the battery is capable of running the train for 130 kilometers at the speed of 80 kilometers per hour carrying 80 passengers—with zero emission. Experts point out that major advantages of the trains include the use of clean energy, high energy efficiency, and the battery's long life span, all of which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. In light of the "Green Olympics" initiative, the trains will serve to increase the percentage of public transportation fully operated by electricity—the perfect combination of scientific, environment-friendly, and humane aspects of the Olympic Games.

Source: http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/gnsz/gnlef ... 0804_16382007.shtml

Haier's Energy-efficient Air Conditioners Ensure Healthy Environment during the Games
People's Daily, 8/8/08

Air conditioning at the Bird's Nest, the Water Cube, and all of the thirty-seven Olympic facilities has been provided by 18,556 units of Haier air conditioners. Following the completion of inspections, the air conditioning units will provide most energy-efficient and healthy environment for the Olympics delegations to compete and relax.

Source: http://homea.people.com.cn/GB/7635500.html

Beijing Weather Modification Office Won't Stop the Rain during the Games
People's Daily, 8/11/08

Rain influenced the tennis event yesterday, but Beijing Weather Modification Office announced that it would not use the technology to stop the rain, as it did for the opening ceremony. Guo Hu, the manager of Beijing Meteorological Observatory Station, said yesterday that rain is expected throughout the upcoming week.

Source: http://env.people.com.cn/GB/7643109.html


China is Number One in Total Renewable Energy Use
Huicong Plastic Net, 8/4/08

A report published by the environmental protection agency "The Climate Group" noted that China's reliance on water power and wind power ranked first and fifth in the world, respectively. The total quantity of China's renewable energy use is number one in the world. The report by another climate organization, titled "China's Hygienic Revolution," said that Chinese government's strong policy enforcement stimulated research and development of low-carbon technology, which enhanced overall energy efficiency. The renewable energy industry has invested over 1 Billion USD, and China's low-carbon reform is still on the rise. Currently, 75 percent of China's electricity is generated from burning coal and 16 percent from renewable resources. The report estimates that China is likely to increase the proportion of electricity generated from renewable resources to 23 percent by 2020.

Source: http://info.plas.hc360.com/2008/08/04090539619.shtml

China Is the World's Leading Producer of Renewable Energy
PRC Ministry of Commerce, 8/5/08

According to Sweden's Industry Daily, the global environmental organization, the Climate Group, announced in a recent report titled "China's Hygienic Revolution" that China has become the world's leading producer of renewable energy. According to the report, China has made a smooth transition to low-carbon economy, thanks to the government's strong policy enforcement that stimulated innovative low-carbon technologies and attracted dozens of hundred-million-dollar investments in the field. Steve Howard, the Chief Executive Officer of the Climate Group, said that since China became the world's largest carbon emitter, it has long been considered to be passive in climate change issues; the Chinese government, in contrast, started "the Low-carbon Big Dragon" initiative, which tackles issues like future economic growth, development, and energy security.

A report from Switzerland's Industry Daily also noted that China's average greenhouse gas emission per person was lower than that of Europe or America. Although 75 percent of electricity in China is produced from coal, China started implanting more thermoelectricity generators, and called for 20 percent energy reduction by 1,000 major businesses.

Source: http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticl ... 20080805708859.html

Five Northwestern Provinces Agree to Develop Renewable Energy in the Great Northwest
China Climate Change Info-Net, 8/11/08

At the "2008 Forum on Electrical Grid and Clean Energy Technology," five northwestern provinces drew a series of ambitious plans for renewable energy development. For instance, in the plan called "Construct Hexi Corridor Wind Power, Rebuild the Three Gorges on Land in the West," Gansu Province proposed to build wind power plants in Gansu's Jiuquan Region that will generate 12,710,000 kilowatts by 2015. According to the newest Xinjiang Wind Power Development Plan, Xinjiang will build five million-kilowatt wind power plants, generating 10 to 20 million kilowatts by 2020.

Source: http://www.ccchina.gov.cn/cn/NewsInfo.asp?NewsId=13803


Energy Conservation and Waste Reduction is Our Responsibility
Shanghai Financial News, 8/5/08

Energy conservation is our responsibility, namely in waste and exhaust emissions reduction. China's "Twenty-five" plan proposes that energy consumption per unit GDP should be reduced by 20 percent and the amount of major emissions by 10 percent. Since 2008, the momentum for energy conservation increased in every sector of the society. In March, Premier Wen Jiabao noted that this would be the key year in achieving the goal of energy conservation as outlined in the "Twenty-five" plan. In April, the General-Secretary Hu Jintao said that we must keep fighting the energy war. For the past several months, there has been an endless stream of forums, expositions, and weekly campaigns under the banner of "Energy Conservation and Waste Reduction." Until late July, the State Council Executive Committee chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao supported the increasing efforts of the government research bureaus to save gas and electricity and to initiate national conservation movement, in accordance with the principles outlined in the drafts of "Energy Conservation Policies for Public Institutes" and "Energy Conservation Policies for Civil Institutes." On August 2, the government published "the Notice on Reinforcement of Gas and Electricity Conservation" and "the State Council Office Notice on the National Action Initiative for Energy Conservation," indicating another crucial period for "energy conservation and waste reduction."

Source: http://www.shfinancialnews.com/g ... object1ai28594.html


Three International Climate Experts Visit Guiyang
Jinyangshixun, 8/12/08

On August 11, experts from three international organizations—the Climate Group, the China Sustainable Energy Program, and the Clinton Climate Initiative—arrived in Guiyang to hold a symposium called "the Eco-friendly Urban Development Pilot Project" with the city's department of public relations. The representatives from the organizations introduced their respective goals of the visit and proposed plans for further cooperation. Guiyang's representatives presented the plan for eco-friendly urban development. Both sides agreed to build the infrastructure for energy conservation and eco-friendly communities.

Source: http://www.gywb.com.cn/news/guiy ... 7JADDAJBDCBJ21.html


Zhengzhou's "Energy Shortage Experience Day"
People's Daily, 8/8/08

The government of Zhengzhou carried out several energy-saving measures following the request of the campaign, "Energy Shortage Experience Day." On August 7, officials refrained from using the elevators for the sixth floor or below in all public facilities and shut down all air conditioning. They also maximized sunlight and reduced the use of lamps and electrical lanterns. The cadres also commuted to and from work using public transportations, riding the bicycle, or walking.

Source: http://leaders.people.com.cn/GB/7634960.html

Chongqing Meteorological Observatory Issues Severe Weather Alerts and Ways to Prevent Rice Paddies from Turning Moldy
China Radio International, 8/12/08

Chongqing Meteorological Observatory issued seven warnings for strong convection and one severe weather alert. Heavy rain will start tonight and will move eastward. By Thursday, there will be a large-scale storm in Chongqing. In the following week, while the weather remains overcast, farmers are recommended to cut rice ears in a timely manner and rush the harvest for mature rice paddies; at the same time, they are recommended to toss and dry the grains in an airy and sunny place in order to prevent rice from turning moldy.

Source: http://www.cnr.cn/2004news/inter ... 0812_505065684.html
得意淡然,失意泰然!                            [img][/img]








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