本帖最后由 庙里没和尚 于 2009-7-4 19:25 编辑
World Business Summit on Climate Change 在丹麦哥本哈根举行,CYCAN国际事务部主管赵祥宇、国际事务部协调员赵玉璞受邀参加本次峰会,赵祥宇在Planetcall.org网站新闻发布会上发言
5月24-5月26日,在丹麦哥本哈根Bella Center举行了World Business Summit onClimate Change。联合国秘书长Ban Ki-Moon和美国前总统Al Gore、中电国际董事长李小琳以及来自世界各地的700多位CEO参加了本次峰会,峰会主要讨论商业届应如何应对日益严重的气候变化问题以及对于今年12月份在哥本哈根举行的COP15的期望。在会后,商业领袖们达成了“The CopenhagenCall”以此表现出商届领袖们应对气候变化的决心和对于COP15联合国气候谈判的立场。
5月24日,做为峰会的一部分,Copenhagen ClimateCouncil举行了Planetcall.org网站新闻发布会,Planetcall.org是一个为青年人提供就气候变化内容交流以及学习机会的网络平台,同时这个网络平台也将把青年人的声音带到COP15,传递给各个国家的谈判代表,让各国谈判代表了解青年所想要达成的最终谈判协议。新闻发布会上,联合国秘书长Ban Ki-Moon和丹麦能源气候部长ConnieHedegaard都进行的发言,以表达对青年人的支持。CYCAN代表赵祥宇和其它来自美国,印度的四位青年代表有参加了新闻发布会,并代表青年进行了发言,表达出青年人对于COP15各国能达成一致共同解决气候变化问题的渴望。
Part of Xiangyu Zhao‘s Speech
“My generation, however, we are not the leaders of COP15, we arenot the people making the decisions in Copenhagen. So today, we ask theleaders of COP15 to set an agreement in December with specific goalsand duties from both developed and developing countries to solveclimate change.
This should be an agreement that can challenge everyone to worktogether. This also should be an agreement not just for our generationor your generation, it is for the future of us as human beings and thefuture of this planet, the only home we have.
There needs to be an agreement that has a target which is asambitious as possible, and we will make sure that the youth of thisworld, the next generation, have the ambition to reach the target. Youdetermine our task, you determine our future”
赵祥宇在演讲 |