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Share my emails with one Canada student activist

发表于 2005-1-7 21:35:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear Jonas:

? ? Nice to hear from you!
? ? Thank you for your information.For YEN, I've visited its website several times as you know; for Sierra Youth Coalition, I've heard the fame of Sierra Club as one of the oldest environmental organizations and visit their websites as well. Really appreciate your great work! I would like to know more from you and your friends in our future correspondences...for example how to get to know each other and organize...
? ? Concerning your question, I would like to put one short introductive article I've written recently below. And I will introduce more about two of these groups to you, one is the earliest nation-wide student network - China Green Student Forum, I have very close relationship whit it; one is the organization I come from -- Green Stone.
? ? Concerning the invasive species in China, I'm very interested in this topic very much also  and read some very good book about this issue. One book is written by a famous scientist Xie Yan serving in China Biodiversity Committee. A lot of foreign trees and grass are introduced into China for green belt construction, it brings a lot of problems.
? ? OK, I think my letter has been very long and expect we will have a lot of future communication, so hurry is not necessary, I will introduce more next time:-)
? ? And if you don't mind, I have my first question:-) --- I wish know something about your network communication mechanism --- how to exchange ideas in your nation wide network? telephone? email? BBS??...

China student environmental network introduce

Brief introduction to China student environmental groups' network situation

Province & Introduction

South China:
Guangdong Province: it has a raw groups' network with the support of Greenpeace Guangzhou Branch;
Guangxi Province: it has one key group -- Greensalon of Guangxi Medical Univ. They have some raw network in the past years and cooperate some time.
Hainan Province: it is the designation of one student environmental activity -- Student Green Camp this summer. Two Hainan Groups are involved: Green Hainan of Hainan Univ. and EPA of South China Tropical Agriculture Univ.

East China
Fujian Province: there are two key groups: Greenwild of Xiamen Univ. and EPA of Jimei Univ. Greenwild supports a small cooperative network including some groups.
Zhejiang Province: there is a developing student groups' union under the help of Green Volunteers' Branch of Zhejiang Volunteers' Union.
Shanghai City: there is a long-history students group network called Shanghai Green Students' Forum and it holds some assemblies every year.
Jiangsu Province: It is our base and we have developed very successful and powerful network here.
Anhui Province: there is new network called Anhui Colleges' Green Union, it has learned a lot from Green Stone's mature network model and develops very well.
Jiangxi Province: there is no network but some individuals have such idea. We will help and support them.
Shandong Province: there is no network and only some raw ideas concerning the network of Jinan -- capital of Shandong. We will encourage them to develop.

Middle China:
Hubei Province: there is some groups' communication mechanism and meetings in its capital Wuhan, it needs more development.
Hunan Province: there is a key group -- Green Source of Middlesouth Forestry College who is advocate to organize some kind of groups union.

North China:
Henan Province: there are some individuals and separate groups trying to construct some student groups' network in their province or in the capital - Zhengzhou.
Hebei Province: there is a group having send some project to us to call some assembly of local student environmental groups. It will be promising.
Beijing City: there is a network Green Student Forum serving as the information provider to China green student groups. One core member of our program members is also their core member.
Tianjin City: there is some network but it doesn't work very well, they reorganized it again and again. Some better mechanism is necessary.
Shanxi Province: there is new group called Shanxi students' Green Camp and it also facilitate some network in this province.

Liaoning Province: there is some official network in the capital of Liaoning but also doesn't work very well, there is another network in the important city -- Dalian and it has done more work.
Jilin Province: there is no successful network and more development is extremely necessary for this province's student groups.
Helongjiang Province: they have organized some network called Green Longjiang after visiting to us, it is developing.

West China:
Shanxi Province: there is very successful group called Xi'an Students' Green Camp and we will cooperate with it to facilitate the network in this area.
Gansu Province: there is no mature network but some key groups such as Greenteam of Lanzhou Univ.
Neimenggu Zone: this Zone is too big and hard to organize some network, some separate groups can be supported primarily.
Qinghai Province: there is not too many colleges but still they are more and more active such as Greenspace of Qinghai Univ, new grantee of GGF.
Xinjiang Zone: there are some excellent group including Green Sunshine of Xinjiang Normal Univ. and they are eager to have some network too. Their activities are strongly supported by Xinjiang Conservation Fund.

Sichuang Province: there is a very successful network called GreenSOS, its information network serves west China groups very well.
Chongqing City: there is some new network being given birth. We have paid some serious attention.
Yunnan Province: there is a key group called Huanqing of Yunnan Univ. No network mechanism is known.
Guizhou Province: it is a less-developing area in China and some network is developing with great difficulties.
Xizang Zone( known as Tibet): it is special zone and no many universities exist.

======================= ?? ?
Best Regards

Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-04-11 08:04:43 ^^^^^^^^^

>Hello, I notice your message on the Communiy Youth Action Project forum:
>"In china, there are many student and youth cooperative network, would you
>like to communicate and exchange ideas with them, collectively or
>personally? For example, exchange some newsletters...
>only suggestion..."
>I am sorry for the lack of response but that area has been out of use for a
>while. Anyway, there is always a need to exchange ideas and increase
>communication. When it comes to youth there are two really large
>organisations that seem to be nation wide (there are a lot of smaller school
>based environmental groups). These are the Youth Enivonmental Network
>(yen-rej.org) that is in charge of helping smaller groups communicate
>and share resources and the Sierra Youth Coalition, which is the youth
>branch of the Sierra Club of Canada.
>I am a part of one of the first high-school aged groups started by the
>Sierra Youth Coalition. It was created to take advantage of an interesting
>youth camp that was developed last summer.
>I am also a part of a youth Field Naturalist club that does enironmental
>research, monitoring and education the Macoun Field Club.
>If you have any questions about the last two organisations I will be happy
>to answer them.
>I am curious about your organisation? Also do you know of a good source of
>information on invasive species in China?
>Thank you
>-Jonas Weselake-George

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 21:36:01 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Jonas:

        I feel so sorry that in the past two weeks I was engaged in the mid-term exmination and couldnot take some time to reply to you on time.
       Thanks for your wonderful explanation! The Youth Camp is really interesting idea and I can imagine how it works -- future commnication is built on the foundation of the friendship of members of this camp. Actually we have also similar mechanism so called trainning camp. But it is as important as yours, it's only several weekend training classes of volunteer representatives from various student environmental groups.
       In China, all of student environmental activities are carried out mainly by student volunteers instead of any employee, while sometime some program coordinator of environment NGOs will give some assistance or direction in certain cooperative programs.

      Considering how our organisation handles communication and recruitment, I would like to introduce my group fisrtly. My group called Green Stone, or sometime we give it a full name: Green Stone Students' Environmental Action Network, is definitely a student environmental groups' cooperation network instead of single group. The students' enviroment groups exchange ideas, share information and material resources in this platform by different means for example semester forums, newletters, website and bbs,training camps etc. Meanwhile we coordinates various environment protection activities worked by students' groups together.
      In this process, our BBS -- web forum actes as a central role. All activities' information is publicized in the board and a lot of participants posted their opinions or suggestions following the informaion. It works in the same way as Yen-Rej's BBS. But we use it very frequently and in the past one year, nearly 15,000 posts have been submitted and viewed more than 200,000 times totoally according to our statistics system. You can view this bbs in http://bbs.green-stone.org, but it's a pity that it is a Chinese system. You can only get a general picture from it. We use it since it is the most efficient and cheap way for us. Telephone fees after frequent communication can be a huge burden but Surfing internet is far cheaper. Every two weeks chief members will have meetings in our small office while some other meetings are held when necessary. BBS, telephone, meeting, all of them build up our communication system.
     But until now, our network works only in one city- Nanjing -it means south capital:-)  and under expansion now, so it is easy and efficient. Another group network - Green Student Forum, based on Beijing - capital of China, focuses on the cooperation network nation wide and it is far more difficult. It need the coordinator to take more time to deal with this network with excellent techniques and brilliant mechanism. But it is still not very successful. In my opinion, it should develop into a professional organization with some employees and choose appropriate goal -- devoting more to information platform in stead of carrying out some other activities. Otherwise it cannot achieve success.

     Concerning the recruitment, it is a severe problem. We can find a lot of volunteers in the activities easily but it is not easy to find out an excellent, responsible and active guy. One excellent leader is the soul of one organization. So we let main members vote in leader election, the elected leaders will choose appropriate principals of various departments from all volunteers. The members of school student group come from the recruitment in the campus, and as a cooperation network our members of this network organization are chosen from the members of these member groups.

     You know that Elaine in the yen-rej bbs? Maybe your good friend:-) She is very active.
     Maybe you can introduce a little bit your wonderful projects briefly for example anti- GMO food movement -- I've seen it from your bbs. I feel very interested since maybe I can get some brilliant ideas from your activities. I wish it will not take you too much time...

Best Regards

                Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-04-17 09:14:54 ^^^^^^^^^

>Dear Wu Haoliang,
>Sorry about the delay in responding and thank you for the information on what is happening in China.
>How do we get to know each other and organise?
>Most of my experience is with the first city wide, high-school aged enivronment/social-justice group (membership is aged around 14-20yrs old) that has been started to my knowledge in the capital.
>This group was started using the momentum created by a week long youth camp. This camp had presentations and workshops by a number of different organisations and other activities, and was completely free for the participants. The concept was to take youth that were already concerned about environmental and social issues and but them in a situation where those moral values were supported and give them the resources to allow them to start their own projects and take action on issues they chose.
>We only managed to stay in contact with about 50-60% of the people that participated at the camp. This gave the group enough people to start regular meetings and eventually through person-to-person recruitment, meeting people through other organisations and during demonstations and through other means we got a healthy membership that was constantly growing. The group disapeared for a couple of reasons in the spring but this should be corrected soon.
>It is a very interesting project (I am on the project commitee) and it should become much larger as it develops this year
>Your other question about communication:
>I am not an employee, but I have volunteered a fair amount in the national office of the youth wing. Most communication appears to be done directly by phone and e-mail.
>Right now, it appears that the Sierra Youth Coalition is relatively decentralised with each local office organising its own groups and events and with the relatively small number of staff communication is simpler.
>There is a university level project, designed to make universities more enivronmentally friendly, I know that they have at least three and probably more like five people employed full time doing communications work for this project.
>As membership numbers increase, more youth groups are set up and projects become more diverse, some kind of monitoring and good local communication network should be set up.
>There are probably quite a few people who could answer this question better then I can, if it is all right with you I would be pleased to pass on your question to one of the staff I know who is working on one of these projects.
>I am quite curious how your organisation handles communication and recruitment, what models have been tried and work? There is clearly a lot to be discussed regarding these topics.
>Thank you.
>-Jonas Weselake-George

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 21:36:40 | 显示全部楼层
Dear paleo:

      Another late answer, it seems that I have to say sorry all the time
     From your introduction, I have got the general idea of the movement situation in your side. Thanks for your wonderful presentation! From it, I see we share the same idea: a Grassroots Organization --- Supporting Network system. It is really a efficient way to prompt our work! One person can grow up in the grassroot organization and parcipate and do more in the network to help the grassroots organization.
     And another interesting point is there are  a lot of middle-school groups in your movement while in China the middle-school group is really scarce due to the China university entrance rule --- only around 50% of all applicants can enter university for further study. The China's huge population and developing economy play vital role. In this situation, middle-school students have to devote themselves to the study in stead of participating the society acitivities. It is also some kind of culture difference.
     And in our network, we  focus more on the environmental issues and it seems in your side you have invovled into more wide and deep area. For example, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, I suppose it is a government plan or a plan by the official organization under the control of goverment. China's environmental organizations are very young and have no capacity to involve much into the goverment plan and change their ideas.
     Then, I have a very interesting question, accoring to your knowledge, when did your movement  and organization are found?
     As I just said, China environmental organization are all young. The earliest formal environmental civil organization is founded in 1994. It is one kind of negative factor since it means they lack experiences and influence. However, I have to admit that in the past four or five years, Chinese environmental organizations developed much more better than before. It is a very exciting situation since we can know a better future is not only a dream. In the years of 2000-2004, the numbers of environmental organizations increased several times. It became a new green trend. I don't know what is the reason, but it is truth. In the early 1990s, Chinese people know little about environmenal protection except some experts and officials. Now everyone in the city know this concept although they don't know what to do and whether they should do something while the situation in the rural area is still very severe...

     OK. As you suggested, please open our past discussion to all people and please tell the web address you post and we can continue our discussion openly in the future...

     Best Regards!

                Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-05-18 07:37:22 ^^^^^^^^^

>Don't worry about the delay in replying, I know what it is like when uncontrolable events show up and disrupt plans.
>Very interesting, I see that your organisation apears to be doing very well. I wish I could read simplified Chinese (online translators don`t work very well).
>Elaine was contacted through the Youth Action Gathering (YAG) and has become very involved and contributed a lot, she is currently also working on the next YAG.
>I agree that it is difficult to find strong capable people with varied skills (and it is even harder to find ones with a lot of free time). It is people that are the basis of society they decide its caracter and its future and it is people who allow or create the basis of any social movement.
>A few people can make a big difference in how well an organisation works especially if they are in positions of responsability or power. I have found that one of the largest challenges is having enough information to identify good candidates for a position, this is especially true in elections (if they are not carefully run), though they are the most effective way of allowing everyone to have input.
>In the SYC (at least what I have seen of it) there is a very strong emphasis on grass roots organisation. In the local activities of SYC Ottawa the experienced people have acted in a role where their main job is to, provide resources and facilitate decision making and work and suggest ideas, but most of the actual drive, input and work is expected from everyone. This also makes it easier to provide extra opertunities for people to grow in involvement, skill and capability.
>One good example of this is the organisation behind the Youth Action Gathering; a group of around six 14-20yr old students form the planing commitee. They direct the overall aim of the project as it developes, clear and expect material and are involved in everything from hiring the employee for the project, to giving presentations on it, asisting in fund-raising, logistics and running the camp -in summary they are a key element to planing and implementation of every area of the project.
>Of course, they rely on and are greatly helped by the knowledge and advice of the SYC employees and from the work of the summer student and full time employee hired for the project. Which also could act as a safe-guard if a couple of the people went crazy.
>I will quickly point out that when it comes to official direction and high-level redistribution of funding, decisions are made by an elected board consisting of youth from across Canada.
>Regarding Campaigns:
>Most of the projects refered to at the BBS were done by SYC-Ottawa (14-20yr old group) as part of local relatively low level activities that tied into larger campaigns. These were good training excercises and involved making and distributing material and holding some small demonstrations. The ones last year I worked/attended on were timed to co-operate with groups working on the following campaigns:
>Stop ESSO campaign (by Green Peace)
>Buy Nothing day (by Adbusters)
>Fossil fools day (SYC and Green Peace)
>Anti-Nuclear power demonstration (against the CNA by Green Peace, an old amalgamated anti-nuke organisations and SYC)
>There are also several larger campaigns organised by the SYC directly (a good example is currently going into effect, it is a campaign to reform the publically owned Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and pressure them into investing responsibly. They were investing in the Tabacco industry, Oil companies and a bunch of other unethical stuff).
>If you want specific information on any of these campaigns, I should be able to track it down for you.
>I personally prefer to work on longer term more general campaigns. This is why I am involved with the Community Youth Action Project (CYAP). History has shown that reforms normally only happen when the majority of the public is already well informed and support them, it is the public viewpoint that almost always moves first.
>It is the shift in views and priorities and the goal of a culture where people know enough about what is going on and care enough to take action to help plan for a better future and a better world that must be worked towards.
>In some ways this is the goal of the CYAP and the Youth Action Gathering even if people don`t realise it yet.
>If it is all right with you I would like to open our past discussion to other people in the community?
>-Jonas Weselake-George
>\"Dear Jonas:
>    I feel so sorry that in the past two weeks I was engaged in the mid-term exmination and couldnot take some time to reply to you on time.
>       Thanks for your wonderful explanation! The Youth Camp is really interesting idea and I can imagine how it works -- future commnication is built on the foundation of the friendship of members of this camp. Actually we have also similar mechanism so called trainning camp. But it is as important as yours, it's only several weekend training classes of volunteer representatives from various student environmental groups.
>       In China, all of student environmental activities are carried out mainly by student volunteers instead of any employee, while sometime some program coordinator of environment NGOs will give some assistance or direction in certain cooperative programs.
>      Considering how our organisation handles communication and recruitment, I would like to introduce my group fisrtly. My group called Green Stone, or sometime we give it a full name: Green Stone Students' Environmental Action Network, is definitely a student environmental groups' cooperation network instead of single group. The students' enviroment groups exchange ideas, share information and material resources in this platform by different means for example semester forums, newletters, website and bbs,training camps etc. Meanwhile we coordinates various environment protection activities worked by students' groups together.
>      In this process, our BBS -- web forum actes as a central role. All activities' information is publicized in the board and a lot of participants posted their opinions or suggestions following the informaion. It works in the same way as Yen-Rej's BBS. But we use it very frequently and in the past one year, nearly 15,000 posts have been submitted and viewed more than 200,000 times totoally according to our statistics system. You can view this bbs in http://bbs.green-stone.org, but it's a pity that it is a Chinese system. You can only get a general picture from it. We use it since it is the most efficient and cheap way for us. Telephone fees after frequent communication can be a huge burden but Surfing internet is far cheaper. Every two weeks chief members will have meetings in our small office while some other meetings are held when necessary. BBS, telephone, meeting, all of them build up our communication system.
>     But until now, our network works only in one city- Nanjing -it means south capital:-)  and under expansion now, so it is easy and efficient. Another group network - Green Student Forum, based on Beijing - capital of China, focuses on the cooperation network nation wide and it is far more difficult. It need the coordinator to take more time to deal with this network with excellent techniques and brilliant mechanism. But it is still not very successful. In my opinion, it should develop into a professional organization with some employees and choose appropriate goal -- devoting more to information platform in stead of carrying out some other activities. Otherwise it cannot achieve success.
>     Concerning the recruitment, it is a severe problem. We can find a lot of volunteers in the activities easily but it is not easy to find out an excellent, responsible and active guy. One excellent leader is the soul of one organization. So we let main members vote in leader election, the elected leaders will choose appropriate principals of various departments from all volunteers. The members of school student group come from the recruitment in the campus, and as a cooperation network our members of this network organization are chosen from the members of these member groups.
>     You know that Elaine in the yen-rej bbs? Maybe your good friend:-) She is very active.
>     Maybe you can introduce a little bit your wonderful projects briefly for example anti- GMO food movement -- I've seen it from your bbs. I feel very interested since maybe I can get some brilliant ideas from your activities. I wish it will not take you too much time...
>Best Regards\"

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 21:37:15 | 显示全部楼层
Dear paleo:

        Don't worry. I suggestion you simply put our discussion somewhere and wait for some comments...
      Now I just begun my summer vacation
      Wish you achieve great success in your further program.

Best Regards

                Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-07-07 00:43:34 ^^^^^^^^^

>Sorry for the delay! I was going to reply but we had an election and then
>there was a conference to plan and now I have to travel for a while. I will
>reply though.
>How are you?

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 21:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Jonas:

       Hi! Nice to hear from you and really sorry for delay. I just returned from Paris, have stayed in Europe for one month and  couldnot access internet. I just saw you mail and write back immediately...
      Yes, actually I also felt a little bit amazing since I had ever supposed there should be more frequent internet use in Canada and such areas...Maybe you can encourage them more And I will also deliver our mails to some of my friends but they need more patience to read through it since English is not their native langague.
      Now I'm busy in a small grant project to support student environmental projects and groups...very complicated work.
      I'm thinking that maybe we can promote information exchange and invite more friends who are interested in it...Recently I'm also researching on Sierra Youth Coalition's history and story, due to the language barrier and lack of much time, it will be a long time job...

Best Regards

                Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-10-14 23:48:55 ^^^^^^^^^

>We exchanged a few e-mails in the spring and I was wondering how things are going at Greenstone?
>I was going to post a transcript of our previous conversation to the online forums but no one is using them and I am waiting for things to pick up a bit locally, before I use our e-mail lists.
>-Jonas Weselake-George
>Volunteer, Sierra Youth Coalition
>Ottawa, Canada

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 21:38:34 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Jonas:

      It's great to receive the introductory material to SYC! I went through it carefully and find it is really brilliant! Then I have a intention to translate it into Chinese completely and show it to China young environmentalist...I have some final exams and I will leave Seoul and go back to China soon, when I set down, I will spare some time to finish the translation...
    And thanks for your wonderful story, it sounds fantastic...And concering John Muir, I suppose I ever read one book of his: Our National Forest Park...I translate the title into English back since I read the Chinese version and I'm not sure I'm right. Is it his book? I never read such a book with such beautiful landscapes before it...But I don't know he is the founder of the Sierra Club. I ever thought Sierra was someone's name...
    And concerning the online communication, I still think your BBS is a very suitable place. Because in China, we always use some Chinese system then non-Chinese cannot understand. Or we can consider to build a brand new one...We can still discuss on it. I will find out some friends who would like to exchange ideas with outside...

     Actually I have a piece of very important news: recently I (of course with my friends) just built a new information network website and gathered several volunteers nationwide...We try to collect environmental activities' information and disseminate to student groups nationwide to help them grow up. It is just a idea. We will try our best to see whether it is feasible. This informaion network has very strong basis. In the past time, we have built several regional information network and they run very well and help much. But no very good national information network exists (Some existed, but failed or abandomed or runs not very well) . Then we gathered the elites from the reginonal networks and some other volunteer to begin our new network. Now we need time...It is just beginning...I want to show the URL: http://www.gsean.org/ but it's a pity that it is a pure Chinese language website. Maybe you can use some web translation software to get some general ideas...

Best Regards! And I think my next reply will be in China. I will visit some environmental groups in my trip...

                Wu Haoliang

^^^^^^^^2004-11-17 09:21:53 ^^^^^^^^^

>Dear, Wu Haoliang:
>A lot of the people I am working with are young and busy students and just beginning to get involved. I am sure I can find some people who would be interested though.
>Okay, okay, I will tell you everything I know about the history of our organisation!
>You might want to get something to drink - this will take a moment:
>It all goes back to the Naturalists. Naturalist is an old term (still in use) for people who take an unusual interest in the natural world. As a distinct group the Naturalists predate Scientist; in fact they founded most of the natural sciences.
>One of these Naturalists was an inventor and scientist by the name of John Muir. In the late 19th century he revisited some old valleys he had once walked. When he was first there twenty years later they were covered with wildflowers to such an extent that they could support his weight.
>When he returned they were gone and he soon found out that the surrounding forest with some of largest trees in North America and most impressive land were soon to be logged.
>This was at a time when forests seemed endless and the logging industry was just moving into the deep inland areas.
>So John Muir became an activist.  He organised a group to protect this land (the Sierra Nevada) and the group was called the Sierra Club. They fought hard and long and they won. Muir died but the Sierra Club kept on going, finding new projects, new areas to be fought for.
>The Club spread north from the United States and into Canada. It discovered that while Canada had been the birth place of many naturalist and local environmental organisations and started some major international ones like Greenpeace, it had still not produced a nation-wide environmental youth organisation.
>So a short time ago they founded one, calling it the Sierra Youth Coalition.
>Its early history I am not clear on. I know it grew a bit and I know it also collapsed at one point, (apparently being kept alive by two volunteers, living in the office). I joined only a few years after this collapse.
>There are many challenges and possible threats both in the organisation and outside it and a future collapse is still possible. But, no matter what happens we and future generations will be here to rebuild and keep working and fighting to survive, just as we will someday have to rebuild our societies and civilisation when this unsustainable way of life comes to an end.
>I am including a document I obtained on the SYC.
>Good luck, Salut!
>-Jonas Weselake-George
>\"Dear Jonas:
>   Hi! Nice to hear from you and really sorry for delay. I just returned from Paris, have stayed in Europe for one month and  couldnot access internet. I just saw you mail and write back immediately...
>      Yes, actually I also felt a little bit amazing since I had ever supposed there should be more frequent internet use in Canada and such areas...Maybe you can encourage them more And I will also deliver our mails to some of my friends but they need more patience to read through it since English is not their native langague.
>      Now I'm busy in a small grant project to support student environmental projects and groups...very complicated work.
>      I'm thinking that maybe we can promote information exchange and invite more friends who are interested in it...Recently I'm also researching on Sierra Youth Coalition's history and story, due to the language barrier and lack of much time, it will be a long time job...
>Best Regards
>Wu Haoliang











发表于 2005-1-13 04:10:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-1-13 22:50:57 | 显示全部楼层
holywood's english is wonderful!
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