主讲介绍: 史仁达博士,尼泊尔籍,联合国环境规划署亚太区主任。
Mr. Surendra Shrestha is a national of Nepal and was previously the Director for UNEP's Division of Early Warning and Assessment office, based at the Asian Institute of Technology near Bangkok. Mr Shrestha is well known throughout the region from his work in mobilizing political and financial support for UNEP's programmes and leading multi-disciplinary teams in the areas of assessment, policy development and multilateral agreements. A graduate in economics and computer science, he has previously held senior positions at the Asian Institute of Technology and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu.
内容简介:Mainstreaming Environment in the Asia Pacific region (亚太地区的主流环境)
1. Background
2. Asia Pacific - Major issues
3. Asia Pacific - Challenges ahead