Donor: World Bank – Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships
Opportunity: Research Grants for Young Researchers
Description: The program supports young researchers working in academic and research institutions by covering residence costs for a 5-10 month period in a renowned university or research center. Candidates should be accepted or invited by a host invitation which would designate an academic advisor to assist the fellow during his research period. Candidate’s field of research should be related to development at the master’s level, in fields such as economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, etc.
Eligibility: Lecturers/researchers under 45 working on their doctoral thesis and are nationals and residents of World Bank member countries.
Funding: up to $25,000
Deadline: February 28, 2011
Link: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/EXTRSMFP/0,,contentMDK:21588557~menuPK:563061~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:551843,00.html |