Research on the impacts and mitigation of climatechange in developing countries will be supported through developmentresearch funds from the Academy of Finland and the Finnish Ministry forForeign Affairs. In April 2012, the Academy will launch a separatetargeted call for development research in the field of climate change.The call will be funded through additional funding from the Ministry.The projects to be funded within this call will be integrated as part ofthe Academy’s Research Programme on Climate Change (FICCA).
The Academy funds problem-oriented andmultidisciplinary development research (research on developingcountries) together with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Indevelopment research, the problems to be studied may derive from thelocal as well as the global level, or from a search and analysis of theconnections between development phenomena at different levels. Researchprojects to be funded shall strive for active collaboration withresearchers and research institutes in developing countries. The April2012 call will supplement the annual call for development researchfunding.
The projects to be funded within this call are expected to pursue more than one of the following objectives set for the call:[li]to generate knowledge on climate change for developing countries[/li][li]to increase multidisciplinary knowledge and know-how and promotemultidisciplinary research environments in developing countries [/li][li]to serve the societal needs of developing countries by producing research knowledge and combining different perspectives[/li][li]to create new research-oriented networks between Finland and developing countries[/li][li]to boost the mobility of researchers and doctoral students between Finland and developing countries[/li][li]to promote collaboration between different actors from Finland and developing countries[/li][li]to produce knowledge with a view to creating innovations to help developing countries adapt to and mitigate climate change.[/li]
Applications for research grants will be reviewed inaccordance with the Academy’s general review criteria. Applications willalso reviewed in terms of their relevance to the themes described aboveas well as the project’s collaboration and contacts with developingcountries and its development-policy relevance. The application shallinclude a separate description of the impact and the potentialapplicability of the research results.
The Academy has earmarked some EUR 1 million for theprojects. The funding period starts 1 January 2013, and the funding isnormally granted for two years. The deadline for applications is 25April 2012 at 16.15.
www.aka.fi/eng > Apply now
More information
Science Adviser Riitta Launonen (Culture and Society Research Unit),
tel. +358 9 7748 8229, riitta.launonen(at)aka.fi
Programme Manager Paavo-Petri Ahonen (Programme Unit),
tel. +358 9 7748 8285, paavo-petri.ahonen(at)aka.fi
Academy of Finland Communications
Riitta Tirronen
Communications Manager
tel. +358 9 7748 8369
riitta.tirronen(at)aka.fi |