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发表于 2005-3-25 12:34:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


对不起,亲爱的树—— 一位不能透露姓名的志愿者
南京紫金山清杂树 珍稀物种虎凤蝶面临生存危机
南方周末:中山陵附近两万棵树遭砍伐 周总理曾令严加保护

天上下着雨.  每将晓日未出, 紫气照耀, 山光显灿, 类似城霞。
发表于 2005-3-25 12:36:46 | 显示全部楼层
对不起,亲爱的树—— 一位不能透露姓名的志愿者




发表于 2005-3-25 12:37:14 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry, My Dear Tree!

1. Sorrow of the tree
“My dear, I am waiting for you, take care of yourself!”
This is a love letter to the tree, which grew at the east foot of Zijin Mount but is dying soon. Tao Le, citizen of Nanjing, has been to Zijin Mount several times, but it is her first time to be here, Yellow Horse Reservoir at the east foot of Zijin Mount for visiting the trees near the reservoir on 6th March this year. On an environmental photo exhibition, she heard the activity called - - “looking for a tree to make friends”, and determined to participate at once. On the activity day, she came to one natural forest land for two hours on foot together with other 50 volunteers, tying the prepared China knots, silk ribbons to the trees. These red, yellow, blue, white silk ribbons and China knots made these trees seem as girls that will be married with joy. Tao Le can't help embracing the trees, and tied the love letter that she wrote to the tree to the tree with the silk ribbon. Under the foot of Tao Le, the white wild flowers are blossoming in the spring’s sunshine, and this kind of plant is one kind in more than 600 kinds of plants of Zijin Mount, its life has only more than 20 days, known as “the short-lived plant”, it can be seen only around March every year.
Xiao Jin, another participant of activity tie the red silk ribbon to the tree, at the same time he murmured, “Does the person who cuts the tree will stop cutting when he sees this silk ribbon?”
  Liu Guanghua, promoter of the activity, team leader of the ecological environmental protection group of Zijin Mount says, before Tree Planting Day, environmental protection group proposed the activity to let more citizens participate in this action to love trees, and protect trees. He thinks, Tree Planting Day will not only promote people to plant trees, but also promote them to love trees, protect trees. The reason why launched the activity in Yellow Horse Reservoir of the east foot of Zijin Mount is that several mu of mountain forest here will be cut down in the near future and replaced by a five-star hotel. More than half a year ago, at the beginning of this project, more than 50 mu wildwood have already been destroyed. And the five-star hotel to be built in Zhongshan scenic spot which Nanjing citizens are proud of; at the same time it is also the national-level range of Forest Park. Just when the volunteers are tying silk ribbons, the construction machines are still working “diligently”, their roaring can be heard without end.

2. Ecological Value of Zijin Mount
\"Zeng Guofan had ordered to burn the mountain when breaching Nanjing City, and Zijin Mount vegetation were totally destroyed. When Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum was moved to Zijin Mount in 1926, after generations of citizens continuously transplanted and replanted, the forest coverage rate of Zijin Mount is up to more than 70% now.\"
Zijin Mount is in the north subtropical zone and transition area of the temperate zone, while the vegetation’s composition obviously reflects its transitional nature. All kinds of plant resources are abundant here, including many rare ancient and well-known trees. Because the forest can regulate climate, so the temperature changes little, and it is scarce and relatively low for moisture to lose. Zijin Mount is especially suitable for the growth of the broadleaved deciduous forest in, the arbor, bush, rattan one, herbaceous amount to more than 600 kinds of 113 families. The common conifer leaf varieties of trees are Masson pine, black pine, cedar, arbor-vitae, etc., fallen leaf broad leaf varieties of trees have rough oak, cork oak, fragrant taking fragrant, tree Piao, Chinese elming ,etc. Chinese sweet gum, the forest animal is important components in the forest reserves that the main varieties of trees of the evergreen foliage forest are oak, Chinese photinia and winter of Qinggang. Though it is the mountain in the city, still protect extremely intact wild animal resource in Zijin Mount.
The garden bureau of Zhongshan Cemetery claims, according to statistics since the eighties of last century, there are such more than 20 kinds of wild beasts as river deer, hare, yellow weasel, badger, hedgehog, grass fox, civet etc. including the precious beasts tooth river deer etc. The birds are an important link in the biological chain of forest, too. There are birds in all in 9 categories and 64 kinds of 42 families in Zijin Mount, 27 of resident bird, 27 of migratory bird, 9 kinds of travel birds. The main birds are magpie , oriole , woodpecker , Chinese bulbul , pheasant , mountain sparrow , four tone cuckoo , little sky lark , mountain turtledove , babbler of mountain ,etc.. The comparatively precious, rare ones include cage bird's babbler, tiger skin brambling, red mouth long tail sparrow, green turtledove of red wing, etc...
The forest zone of Zijin Mount is also the homeland of Chinese tiger swallowtail—National Second Class Protection Animal. Forest zone butterfly resources in Zijin Mount are rather abundant. There are 8 subjects, 41 genera in tatal, 76 kinds, 6 kinds among them are new records of Nanjing, 10 kinds of butterflies are rarely species for viewing. In addition, there are insects in 13 categories and more than 200 kinds of 86 families in the forest. Enormous ecological resources make Zijin Mount as a treasure-house everywhere, a director of the bureau of Zhongshan Cemetery said, the Forest Park of Zijin Mount is a “biological treasure-house”. Its rich species, intact ecology are all extremely rare in the city at home and abroad. Only resources of the plants, it creates ecological value of ground just over 500 hundred million. Now, the forest of Zijin Mount is suffering the most extensive destruction since the foundation of the state, this means flavor birds, beasts and insect would lose more inhabitation.

3. Sorrow of the Volunteers
All these make volunteers with deep anxieties in Zijin Mount. Liu Guanghua, Wang Shaoming, two volunteers, have been more than fifty years old. They are both from Nanjing, like climbing the mountain, they found the rubbish is seen everywhere with growth of visitors' going up to the mountain at the end of the 1990s last century, then he spontaneously organize such environmental protection activities as cleaning rubbish, etc.. Because the activity is fruitful, in 2002, they and garden bureau of Zhongshan Cemetery established the connection, the ecological environmental protection group of Zijin Mount has been established, there are more than 20 members in the group, all come from the people, help the garden administration bureau of Zhongshan Cemetery to protect the ecological environment of Zijin Mount.
For more than 3 years, they have been insisting on patrolling the mountain every week. They can go forward to prevent the vistiors’ incivilization behaviors at once, such as sweeping, breaking the branches etc.. What they are confused is that vistiors can stop these after their prevention. In fact, it is some units that bring the greatest harm to the ecological circle of Zijin Mount, They have frequently called at these units to persuade the units to stop the pollution, even invite the media to report the condition, but it made little effect. On the contrast, the pollution became more and more severe. There is a state-owned hotel in scenic spot, called “East Suburb Hotel”, which was always throwing the rubbish outside the east enclosure of the hotel throughout the year, and discharging the undealing sewage in the thunderbolt ditch outside the hotel directly, going downstream. It has been one of the river pollution sources of Qin Huai River system now.
The project known as\" Nanjing east receiving center reconstruction and extension project” which has put into operation since the second half of last year lets the volunteers burnt heart most at present. It's known that this project is the “auxiliary facility of the tenth National Games “sanctioned by the Development and Reform Committee of Jiangsu Province, and is a part of the environmental comprehensive realignment project in Zhongshan Tomb. Ma ShiLiang, chief engineer of the unit in charge of the construction, Huangma company, claimed that\" this project cover an area of about 60 hectares, including ten buildings such as a main building, a complex building, a villa floor, etc and some auxiliary facility like courts, and one 9 meters wide lake way of the ring around the upper and low Huangma reservoirs. After the completion, more than 100 guest rooms will be built up.”
Thinking that these trees will be cut down soon, the volunteers are with a heavy heart. This can be embodied in the small papers being stuck at the tree: \" I am sorry, I can not protect you. I can hear your sadness through the songs sounding every night. I am so sorry! \" \" I shed tears while you shed tears.” Tianjun, a volunteer, said that they couldn't prevent these trees from being cut down, so they are grieving these innocent trees with the following form today. In 2 hours, more than 50 citizens has tied more than 1000 pairs of silk ribbon in trunks. Look far into the distance, the silk ribbons floating flutter in the breeze, show their beautiful figure carefree. In fact, now these trees have already been circled within the construction white line. Perhaps several weeks later, here will be turned into level land and half a year later, a beautiful five-star hotel will rise sheer from level ground.
发表于 2005-3-25 13:10:46 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2005-3-25 14:41:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-3-25 16:10:37 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2005-3-25 22:28:57 | 显示全部楼层
i opened my wallet &found it empty,reached into my pocket &found no coin,searched my life &found you……
发表于 2005-3-26 23:00:56 | 显示全部楼层











 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 11:46:12 | 显示全部楼层
天上下着雨.  每将晓日未出, 紫气照耀, 山光显灿, 类似城霞。
发表于 2005-4-2 15:22:29 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 我又投了一票
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